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Self-Care for Cultivating the Vital Life Force
How can the gentle movements of Qigong benefit my overall health? ...more
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The Self Reliance and Empowerment Path
Roger Jahnke OMD
Qigong practice activates a number of the body's self regulating systems which are responsible for the balanced function of the tissues, organs and...  more 
 Qigong and Tai Chi: Overview & Links
 The Healer Within
The Healer Within
Progressive Relaxation, Option II:
Roger Jahnke OMD
In the Chinese tradition where energy pathways and points are accepted aspects of the body, attention is drawn to specific energy areas as the rhythm of the...  more 
 Wholistic Spiritual Healing
Wholistic Spiritual Healing
Intuition (Part 4 of 5 parts)
Daniel Benor MD
ESP as we have defined and studied it may not be the way it actually functions. It is impossible to separate the various ESP modalities from each other. An...  more 
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