Medicial Mistakes?
How many people each year suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death after a hospital visit?
| Advisory Board |
CEO, Mind-Body Wellness Center; Host, Mind-Body Matters, Nationally Syndicated NPR Weekly Radio Program; CEO and Medical Director, ECaP - Exceptional Cancer Patients; CEO and Medical Director, TouchStar Productions.
| Mark Blumenthal is the Executive Director of the American Botanical Council (ABC), a nonprofit research and education organization in Austin, Texas. He is also the editor and publisher of HerbalGram. | Executive Director of the UCLA Pain Control Unit and Associate Clinical Professor, UCLA School of Medicine; Former White House Commissioner on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy; Author of Free Yourself From Pain, Break Your Smoking Habit With Guided Imagery, and numerous other books, workbooks, articles, and scientific publications. | Dr. Cass is a board-certified psychiatrist, nationally recognized expert and frequent keynote speaker on holistic medicine, with a focus on enhancing mind, mood, energy, and weight loss. She appears regularly on TV including The Dr. Oz Show, The View, and E! Entertainment, as well as numerous radio shows, and national magazines. She is the author of\ several popular books including: Natural Highs, 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health, and Supplement your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutrition. | Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Therapeutic Bodywork; Senior lecturer, University of Westminster, London; author of over 50 books on natural health and alternative medicine. | Elliott S. Dacher is a pioneer in the emerging medicine of the future. His knowledge and practical approaches to the field of health and healing have evolved from his extensive experience as a practicing internist participating in over 50,000 medical visits and his ongoing independent research and study.
He is the author of Whole Healing and Intentional Healing. | Dr. Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and naturopathic doctor, author and co-author of a dozen books on health. Her most recent is The Magnesium Miracle (Ballentine, 2007). Dr. Dean lectures and offers private nutritional consultations by telephone.
| Former Senior Associate, Center for Clinical Computing, Harvard School of Medicine; President, Self-Care Productions; publisher, The Ferguson Report; author, Health Online. (In memoriam) | Director, Foundation for Integrated Medicine; author, The Four Pillars of Healing: How The New Integrated Medicine Can Cure You.
| Clinical Professor, Departments of Psychiatry and Family Medicine, Georgetown University Medical School; Chair, Program Advisory Council, Office of Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health; Director and Founder, Center for Mind-Body Medicine, Washington, DC. Author, Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey out of Depression> and Manifesto for a New Medicine
| Director Emeritus, Center for Applied Psychophysiology, The Menninger Clinic; author, Beyond Biofeedback; Past president, International Society for Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine. | Medical and Creative Director, Preventive Medical Center of Marin, Inc.; Medical and Creative Director, Preventive Medical Center of Sonoma; Author, Staying Healthy with Nutrition, Staying Healthy with the Seasons, A Diet for All Seasons, The Detox Diet, a Cookbook for All Seasons. | Fourth generation herbalist, botanist, teacher, researcher, author, clinical herbalist, acupunturist; author of over 10 books on herbal medicine. | Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, President, Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation; author, Orthomolecular Medicine for Physicians, How To Live With Schizophrenia and Smart Nutrients. (In memorium) | Founding President, American Herbalist Guild; author, The New Holistic Herbal, The Elder's Herbal, and Therapeutic Herbalism. | Author of The Healing Promise of Qi: Creating Extraordinary Wellness Through Qigong and Tai Chi and The Healer Within: The Four Essential Self-Care Methods For Creating Optimal Health. Director and Chief of Staff of Health Action Medical Clinic.
| Past President of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), and the American Preventive Medical Association; a charter member of the American
Holistic Medical Association. Author of Chelation Therapy and Your Health, All About Saw Palmetto and Prostate Health, and Dr. Janson's New Vitamin Revolution. Publisher of monthly newsletter, Dr. Michael Janson's Healthy Living. |  Lynn Keegan PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN Director, Holistic Nursing Consultants; Past President, American Holistic Nurses Association;
| Director, The Centre for the Study of Complementary Medicine; Author, 21st Century Medicine. | Authority in women's health care and preventive medicine, Lecturer Stanford University Medical School, Department of Family and Community Medicine; author of eight books on women's health. | Editor-in-Chief, Complementary Therapies in Medicine; Co-author, Complementary Medicine: An Integrated Approach. | HealthWorld Medical Director: Professor of Neurology, and co-ordinator of Integrative Medicine Program at Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. Dr. Mishra is a Neurologist with special interest in Neuro-muscular disorders. He has been appointed Ad Hoc Member, National Advisory Council for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) (NIH), and has been chair of the study section of NCCAM. He is president of American academy of Ayurvedic Medicine (AAAM). particularly Ayurveda. | Director, Life Sciences Institute for Mind/Body Health; President, International Association for the Study of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine. | Clinical Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, at the University of Arizona School of Medicine; and, a Clinical Professor of Medicine in the Department of Family and Community Medicine and in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco (UCSF). He is the author of 10 books, including New Medicine: Complete Family Health Guide - Integrating complementary, alternative, and conventional medicine for the safest and most effective treatment. | President Emeritus, Bastyr University; Appointed by President Clinton in December 2000 to the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy and by President Bush¹s administration to the Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee in November 2002. Author, Total Wellness; Co-author, A Textbook of Natural Medicine and Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. | President, International Foundation for Homeopathy; author, Ritalin Free Kids and Homeopathic Self-Care. | Founder, EarthSave International; Author, Diet for a New America, The Food Revolution, and Reclaiming Our Health. | Co-director, Academy for Guided Imagery; Clinical Associate in the Department of Medicine at University of California, San Francisco; Author, Healing Yourself: A Step-by-Step Program for Better Health Through Imagery. | Director, Institute for Frontier Sciences; member of the original Advisory Panel to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Alternative Medicine and Panel Chair on Bioelectromagnetics; Editor, The Interrelationship between Mind and Matter. | Founder of first Wellness Center in the United States (1975); author Wellness Workbook and Wellness for Health Professionals; presently developing Infant Wellness=Planet Wellness. | President, Homeopathic Educational Services; author, Consumer's Guide to Homeopathy, Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines and Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants. | Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA School of Medicine; Author, Nutritional Influences on Illness, Nutritional Influences on Mental Illness, and Foundations of Nutritional Medicine. | Fitness Research Director, South Shore YMCA, Quincy, MA; Strength Training Consultant for American Council on Exercise; Author, Strength Training Past 50 and Building Strength and Stamina; Recipient of Healthy American Fitness Leader Award from the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. | Lecturer, practitioner of acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and herbal products formulator; Co-founder of Zand Herbal Products, and author, Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child and Smart Medicine for Healthier Living. |
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