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Which of the following is an antioxidant?
Vitamin E
Vitamin B

Tools for Balance & Self-Regulation
What effective self-care tool is free and as close as your own nose? ...more

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Stress and Immunity
Leo Galland MD, FACN
Scientists have known for years that major and minor life stresses interfere with immune function and contribute to disease. Stressful life events...  more 
 Healthy Stress: Topics & Links
 Stress Resilience
Stress Resilience
Herbal Programs for Stress
Janet Zand LAc, OMD
Stress seems to be an unavoidable part of life. Some people handle it well and others are more negatively influenced by it. Many react to stress in their...  more 
 Healthy Computing
Healthy Computing
Healthy Computing: Integration Breaks
Erik Peper PhD
"I have more energy" and "I feel a little less tired by the end of the day" are common comments reported when people begin to integrate micro- and larger...  more 
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"The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering the attitudes of their minds. "
— Albert Schweitzer    
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2019 National Wellness Conference
     October 1-3, 2019
     Kissimmee, FL USA
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Wellness, Self Responsibility, Love, dimension!

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