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Can a good laugh help to promote my mental and emotional health? ...more
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365 Prescriptions for the Soul: Prescription #35: A Best Friend
Bernie Siegel MD
Who is the most important person in your life? Reflect on that question for a moment. The answer is you. No one can replace you. You need to be for...  more 
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 The Healer Within
The Healer Within
Abdominal Lift
Roger Jahnke OMD
The technique described in the Dr. Roger Jahnke column "The Abdominal Lift" is a traditional yoga practice called Uddhiyana bandha. Stand with feet at about...  more 
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Healthy Computing: Clear Vision
Erik Peper PhD
After working at the computer, do your eyes feel tired and irritated? Approximately 33 to 37 percent of people experience eye irritation such as, itching,...  more 
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