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 Emergency & First Aid: Eye Injuries: First Aid for Eye Injuries - Emergency Conditions 
American Institute for Preventive Medicine ©

When you use eye drops, follow the label's directions.


  • Wear safety glasses when your eyes are exposed to sawdust, etc. Wear sunglasses that block UV rays.
  • When using harsh chemicals, wear rubber gloves and protective glasses. Don't rub your eyes if you've touched harsh chemicals. Turn your head away from chemical vapors.
  • To help prevent dry eyes, use a humidifier. Limit exposure to smoke, dust, and wind. Don't drink alcohol.
  • Use artificial tear drops with your doctor's okay.
  • Don't stare directly at the sun, especially during a solar eclipse.
  • Don't use eye makeup when an allergy or chemical irritant bothers your eye(s).
  • Don't allow a child to stick his or her head out of the window of a moving car, etc. Sand, insects, and other flying objects can strike the eye and irritate or damage the cornea.
  • Don't let children play with or near sparklers, bottle rockets, and other fireworks.
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