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Minding the Body, Mending the Mind
Can a good laugh help to promote my mental and emotional health? ...more
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Self-Applied Health Enhancement Methods and the Future
Roger Jahnke OMD
Many methods to reduce medical costs have failed. It is amazing that the last remaining strategy is to allow people to heal themselves. Most medical...  more 
 Mind/Body Health: Overview & Links
 The Healer Within
The Healer Within
Self Applied Massage of the Ears
Roger Jahnke OMD
The traditional systems of medicine from the Asian cultures have always had some type of massage stimulation to the ears. When you work on your ears you will...  more 
 Healthy Computing
Healthy Computing
Healthy Computing: Use a Headset
Erik Peper PhD
Do you tuck the phone when you multi-task, such as searching the computer for information to answer a question? This habit of raising one shoulder and...  more 
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