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 Genetic Code Intervention: Genetic Code Intervention - Can science change our destiny? 
Why can some individuals look in the mirror each day and smile while others may live in a cerebral fog of disappointment? According to science and mother nature, it’s all in our genes. You either thank your parents for your appearance or you constantly wear baggy sweats and hope everyone imagines you have a bodybuilders physique underneath all those clothes.

Since our genetic coding is predetermined --passed on from our parents parents parents, etc.-- there’s not much we can do to alter this pre-designed plan which chaperones us from birth to our passing. A biological blueprint consisting of billions of numerical combinations comprise our anatomical makeup and cannot be altered or changed; or so they once believed and brainwashed us into thinking.

A biological blueprint consisting of billions of numerical combinations comprise our anatomical makeup and cannot be altered or changed; or so they once believed and brainwashed us into thinking.

Since a large percentage of our medical community expends the majority of their time, energy and funding developing therapies and drugs which are used in the treatment of disease that are onset with aging, emphasis on the prevention side has been attended with far less priority. But there is a flip-side force to this approach (fortunately) which offers a giant breath of fresh air for all of us who wish to live a healthier and longer life by avoiding age-related maladies.

For decades now a variety of genetic engineers, biologists, doctors, scientists and nutritionists from all corners of the globe have been experimenting with a myriad of mechanisms which enhance health and extend life span. These longevity scientists are weaving the fabric of a medical society which is being referred to as anti-aging medicine and life-extension. As I’ve been investigating the many reported claims, I’ve found the discoveries and testimonies to be nothing less than astonishing!

I’ve found the discoveries and testimonies to be nothing less than astonishing!

The clinicians within the life-extension field recognize aging itself as a disease; and a treatable one I might add. Dr. Gregory Fahy, genetic engineer, who holds a Ph.D. in pharmacology, believes that with the latest technologies in scientific intervention human destiny has become a controllable entity. Fahy states, "The genetic composition of our bodies follows a very specific pattern which is set on a self-destructing course. But today, we now have more information than ever to intervene in the aging process to alter our genetic blueprint. Our treatments begin with a hormonal/nutrient BioMarker analysis to provide health-status data. Once deficiencies [or imbalances] are diagnosed, we can intervene and reset hormonal and nutrient levels back to normal. This promotes health and extends life by strengthening the immune system which slows aging".

"...we can intervene and reset hormonal and nutrient levels back to normal". Fahy

At the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) located in Chicago, IL, president Dr. Ronald Klatz, life-extension specialist, has undergone extensive hormone replacement studies for over a decade to intervene in the normal declination of human aging. The result of Klatz’s research indicate increases in energy, strength, sexual function, bone density and intellectual skills without any side effects.

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 About The Author
John Abdo JOHN ABDO is regarded world wide as an authority on life motivation, health, fitness and athletic conditioning. As a former Olympic trainer, John has trained numerous Olympic and World-Class athletes, including Bonnie......more
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