Whilst working in conservation and lecturing in ecology and the eco-crisis for the University of Wales, the author became convinced that to heal the world, to embrace planetary wholeness and responsibility for it with hope, he as an individual had to be whole within himself. This moved him to start exploring herbal medicine as a truly ecological healing for the body as well as the spirit. To this end he studied four years with the National Institute of Medical Herbalists. He also co-founded a spiritual community in the Preseli Mountain area of West Wales, which is deeply involved in the birthing of the New Age in the hearts and minds of all, especially children. He has been practicing as a consultant medical herbalist for six years, has lectured widely on holistic herbalism, as well as personal and planetary transformation, and has been doing television work and writing as well. He has been active in the environmental movement, standing for Parliament in the 1983 election as a representative of the Ecology Party.
In 1987, after a year long journey embracing North America, China, Russia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, he moved to California and has become deeply involved in the herbal renaissance that is underway in North America. He was appointed to the post of Director of the California School of Herbal Studies, North America's premier centre of herbal education, as well as being elected President of the American Herbalist Guild. He regularly teaches in Canada, the USA and New Zealand.
His commitment to herbalism is a reflection of a deep involvement in transformation - both personal and planetary.