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More than three-quarters of women who get breast cancer are over whtat age?
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over 55 years

 Biography: Elmer Green PhD 
Elmer Green PhDDr. Green's past Research combined the disciplines of Autogenic Training and biofeedback Training, and included physiologic studies of yogis in India (1974). A video documentary of these investigations, filmed in the United States and in India, is called Biofeedback: The Yoga of the West (Elda Hartley producer, Hartley Film Foundation, Cat Rock Road, Cos Cob, Connecticut, 06807).

With wife and colleague, Alyce Green, he authored a number of papers and wrote a book, Beyond Biofeedback. He is a member of several professional societies and advisory boards. For 20 years he and Alyce lectured and conducted workshops on the Theory and Practice of Biofeedback Training for Psychophysiologic Self Regulation, in the United States, Australia, Canada, India, Great Britain, Holland, the Philippines, and the Soviet Union.

In recent research (a study of psychophysics and psychophysiology during a form of Tibetan meditation), he and his colleagues found anomalous electric-field effects in and around the bodies of well-known "healers." A video documentary of this phenomenon, made with the cooperation of healer Mietek Wirkus, is called, Bioenerqy: A Healing Art (Peter Walsh producer, Media Production Group, 360 Highland, San Francisco, CA 94110).

1942.B.Physics. University of Minnesota.
1946.Graduate student, Dept. of Physics, UCLA (no degree).
1947-1955.Physicist, Naval Weapons Center (NWC), China Lake, California, in optics, electronics, and computing.
1955-1957.Supervisory Physicist. Assessments Division, NWC.
1958-1962.Ph.D. Biopsychology. University of Chicago.
1964.Established the Psychophysiology Laboratory, Research Department, Menninger Clinic, Topeka, Kansas.
1967.Founded the Menninger Voluntary Controls Program for research, clinical application, and teaching in biofeedback and psychophysiologic self regulation.
1969. (April).Founded, with wife and colleague, Alyce Green, the on-going Council Grove Conference for the study of Voluntary Control of States of Consciousness: Body, Mind, Spirit.
1969. (October).Cofounded the Biofeedback Research Society, now known as the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB).
1978.President of AAPB.
1990.Cofounded the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM). Presently on the Board of Directors of the Society and an Associate Editor of its journal, Subtle Energies.
1990 and 1991.President of ISSSEEM.

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