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Which of the following in NOT a direct benefit of a regular walking regimen?
Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism

 Biography: James Gordon MD 
James Gordon MDJames S. Gordon, M.D., is the founder and director of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine. He is a Clinical Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Family Medicine at the Georgetown University School of Medicine, and Chair of the Program Advisory Council of the National Institutes of Health's Office of Alternative Medicine.

Dr. Gordon has devoted more than 25 years to the exploration and practice of mind-body medicine. A Harvard Medical School graduate, he was for ten years a Research Psychiatrist at the National Institute of Mental Health. There he developed the first national program for runaway and homeless youth, edited the first comprehensive studies of alternative and holistic medicine, directed the Special Study on Alternative Services for President Carter's Commission on Mental Health, and created a nationwide preceptorship program for medical students.

Dr. Gordon has written or edited ten books, including the award-winning Health for the Whole Person, and more than 100 articles in professional journals and general magazines and newspapers, among them the American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychiatry, The Atlantic Monthly, The Washington Post, and The New York Times. He helped develop and write the educational materials to supplement the public television series "Healing and the Mind with Bill Moyers" and was on the editorial board of Alternative Medicine, a report to NIH's Office of Alternative Medicine. His latest book, Manifesto for a New Medicine, will be published by Addison-Wesley in May, 1996.

A Fellow of the Fetzer Institute, Dr. Gordon integrates relaxation therapies, hypnosis, meditation, acupuncture, nutrition, musculoskeletal manipulation, and physical exercise into his own practice of medicine and psychiatry.

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