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 Biography: John Abdo 
John AbdoJOHN ABDO is regarded world wide as an authority on life motivation, health, fitness and athletic conditioning. As a former Olympic trainer, John has trained numerous Olympic and World-Class athletes, including Bonnie Blair, multiple Gold Medal recipient.

From 1985 to 1997, John Abdo produced and hosted his own weekly syndicated television series called Training & Nutrition 2000. With audiences reaching over 50 million households, John established himself as one of the most visible motivational educators for legions of athletes, fitness enthusiasts and coaches nationwide.

Today, John has over 3 Million people in 120 countries using his products and training systems. As a highly demanded editorial consultant John makes regular contributions for popular magazines like Men's Health, Details, Outside, Women's World, and Muscle & Fitness.

John's mission is to become, and remain mentally and physically healthy while striving for success. John knows that energy and health are imperative in achieving success. And with faith and perseverance, along with his trust in God, John has become an award-winning inventor and entrepreneur who has successfully made the transition from athlete to coach to businessman.

In 1999, John was near bankruptcy and $100,000 in debt. By the end of 2001, John's products and services had generated over $320 Million dollars in worldwide sales while John was responsible for creating a new trend within the health and fitness industries.

You may familiar with John from The AB-DOer. With nearly $75 million dollars in media expenditure in 2001, this invention of John's was Voted the #1 Product in 2001 outselling the other top four products, combined!

John has also been the recipient of the "Best Male Presenter" award by the Electronic Retailing Association for generating the most revenue from his live and pre-recorded television appearances. On live shopping channels alone John has generated over $30 Million, and he's just beginning.

An empowering and prolific teacher, mentor, success-coach, writer, speaker, presenter and inventor, John Abdo promotes a myriad of principles for achieving success in all areas of personal and professional life. John's motto is "I'm A Doer, Become a Doer!"

If only one word was needed to describe John Abdo, it would be Dynamic!

You can also see their website at
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