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Which of the following is an antioxidant?
Vitamin E
Vitamin B

 Biography: Pamela Miles 
Pamela Miles Pamela Miles, founding president of the Institute for the Advancement of Complementary Therapies (I*ACT), has 35 years experience as a clinician, educator and lecturer in natural healing. She has been a student of meditation and yoga for 45 years. Ms. Miles began practicing Reiki in 1986 and was initiated as a Reiki master in 1990. She has developed Reiki programs in prominent New York City hospitals, published in peer-reviewed medical journals (papers available under resources/articles), and presented and taught Reiki at medical schools and conferences. As a content expert, she has participated in the design, implementation and analysis of clinical trials on Reiki. Ms. Miles is on the editorial boards of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine and Advances in Mind-Body Medicine.

In addition to her consulting work for hospitals, medical schools, and other organizations, Ms. Miles has an active private practice, acting as a consultant for physicians on complex cases and working with individuals in person or on the phone. Many of her clients wish to maintain their well-being or enhance their sense of spiritual connectedness; others seek healing while addressing conditions such as chronic pain; cancer; insomnia; anxiety; depression; heart disease; infectious disease; chronic fatigue; Crohn's disease; Lyme disease; irritable bowel syndrome; arthritis; headaches; infertility; back pain; bipolar disorder; allergies, asthma and auto-immune disorders. Ms. Miles's approach is to relieve suffering, enhance awareness, and empower clients with tools of self-healing, useful both in disease prevention and in support of conventional medical treatment.

Ms. Miles particularly values working with parents and children of all ages, encouraging families to create a healing lifestyle that includes practicing Reiki on themselves and one another. She offers compassionate end of life care, providing pain management, peace of mind, and guidance for patients, families and caregivers. Her writing on Reiki and natural approaches to healing has appeared in both professional and popular publications.

Pamela is author of REIKI: A Comprehensive Guide (Tarcher/Penguin)


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