Patricia Norris is Director of Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology at
Life Sciences Institute of Mind-Body Health, Inc., with 25 years work in psychophysiology psychotherapy and biofeedback. Dr. Norris has worked with clients with cancer, AIDS, and autoimmune disorders since 1978. Her work emphasizes integrating body, emotions, mind, and spirit with self-regulation, psychosynthesis, and imagery/visualization. Her research interests include studies of brainwave training and psychosynthesis in addictive disorders, and subtle energies and states of consciousness. She was Clinical Director of the Biofeedback ad Psychophysiology Center at the Menninger Clinic, 1980-1994.
Dr. Norris has lectured widely, has presented papers and workshops on the theory and applications of biofeedback, psychophysiologic therapy, psycho-synthesis, and visualization/imagery nationally and internationally. She has published numerous articles, and is the author of Working With Prisoners, or There's Nobody Else Here, and I Choose Life: The Dynamics of Visualization and Biofeedback (with Garrett Porter).
She is a past president of the Biofeedback Society of America, and President Elect of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine. She is a faculty member of the Karl Menninger School of Psychiatry and an Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Union Graduate School, and is on the Advisory Board of the International School for Psychotherapy, Counseling and Group Leadership, The Gladys Taylor McGarey Medical Foundation, and HealthWorld Online.