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 What Doctors Don't Tell You: AIDS and HIV - The steroid connection 
What Doctors Don't Tell You © (Volume 13, Issue 11)

Another study of 359 homosexual men in San Francisco in 1987 reported that 84 per cent had used cocaine, 82 per cent alkyl nitrites, 64 per cent amphetamines, 51 per cent methaqualone and 41 per cent barbiturates.

Of the nearly 4000 gay men surveyed, 83 per cent admitted to using one drug, and 60 per cent to two or more drugs, with sexual activities during the previous six months (similar to the drug use reported by European homosexuals at risk).

Yet another 1985-1988 survey of gay men in Boston, MA, found that, of 206 HIV-positives, 92 per cent had used nitrite inhalants, 73 per cent cocaine, 39 per cent amphetamines, and 29 per cent LSD and other psychoactive drugs as sexual stimulants (Pharmacol Ther, 1992; 55: 201-77; Biomed Pharmacother, 1992; 46: 3-15).

Steroids for inflammation Homosexuals usually suffer from acute and chronic rectal and gastrointestinal diseases, requiring the therapeutic use of rectal steroids. Seven studies involving 736 patients (97 per cent homosexual or bisexual men) who were HIV-positive or had full-blown AIDS repeatedly showed this to be the case (Al-Bayati MA, Get All The Facts: HIV Does Not Cause AIDS, Dixon, CA: Toxi-Health International, 1999).

The fact is, treatment with 60 mg/day of prednisone for three months can produce all the typical symptoms of AIDS. Indeed, this is the treatment and dosage often given to patients who have lung fibrosis, thrombocytopenia or other chemically induced chronic illnesses.

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the US National Institutes of Health, and considered the US government’s leading expert in infectious disease, is among the authors of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, a massive, classic textbook on medicine.

In the book, the authors describe a treatment for lung fibrosis that pushes the patient to the brink of severe immunosuppression:

'A trial of oral prednisone is begun at a dose of 1 mg/kg daily and continued for about eight weeks. Should the disease not respond or be progressive, additional immunosuppression with cyclophosphomide should be considered. The objective is to reduce the white blood cell count to approximately half the normal baseline value, causing a distinct drop in the total lymphocyte count.' [italics ours]

At this dosage, the patient’s T-cell count meets the definition for AIDS as set by the US Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

A review of the medical literature revealed that, in those without HIV, both short- and long-term use of glucocorticoids at therapeutic doses can have a dramatic effect on the immune system - from a transient reduction in T cells to full-blown AIDS (J Clin Lab Immunol, 1981; 6: 147-55; Clin Exp Immunol, 1978; 31: 116-25; Clin Exp Immunol, 1977; 28: 467-73; Ann Intern Med, 1976; 84: 304-15; Immunology, 1975; 28: 669-79; Cancer, 1978; 42: 2626-30). In several articles, Dr Fauci describes in detail the effects of corticosteroids on the immune system, which sound remarkably like the alleged effects of HIV. In one, he and co-authors write that the effects of steroids on patients’ defenses are broad, affecting many systems of the body and that, given the combined effect of these changes, it’s 'not surprising' that infections are common in patients treated with these drugs:

'Of the bacterial infections, staphylococcal and Gram-negative infections, as well as tuberculosis and Listeria infections, probably occur most often. Certain types of viral, fungal, and parasitic infections also occur often. Patients with lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and renal transplant have more infection with steroid administration. Studies of bronchial aerosols showed that with higher doses of steroid in the aerosol, Candida infections of the larynx and pharynx occurred more often' (Ann Intern Med, 1976; 84: 304-15).

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