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 Homeopathy: A Man with Anxiety, Depression, Seizures and Severe Hypoglycemia 
We have found homeopathy to be consistently effective in treating mental and emotional problems. When there is a combination of mental, emotional and physical symptoms, as if often the case, all three spheres should improve with the simillimum (the exact remedy needed by the individual). Because all symptoms result from an imbalance of the vital force, one it is brought into balance with the correct remedy, the result will be balance on all levels. Not only will the specific symptoms improve, but so will the person's energy and overall sense of well-being. Such is the case with Greg whose case follows.

Greg, age 40, first came to see us for homeopathic treatment two years ago. "I have blood sugar problems (3). I had two grand mal seizures in 1989 and 1990. I've been on Dilantin 100 mg tid since my second seizure. During the first few months after starting Dilantin, my right foot started to drag. That lasted eight months. I also had some slurred speech. My blood sugar has been up and down ever since I started the Dilantin. It's been really bad during the past six months. I've been on a hypoglycemic diet, but it hasn't helped much. It's possible I've had this my whole life. When I was younger, I became easily wound up. I'd lose my temper for unexpected reasons. It would blow over in a minute or two. As a teenager, I'd eat pancakes Saturday morning then go back to sleep for three hours. I worked in Indonesia for 15 years teaching sports to teenagers. I came here when the job possibilities there ended.

I experience a lot of nervousness (2). If I eat any sugar, I feel grumpy 30 minutes later, then a loss of energy (3). I can feel my heart react to food or lack of food (2). It's a battle to keep on an even keel (3).

I have mood swings (3) in which I fall apart (3) and can't think clearly (2). I think everything's going bad (3). Sometimes I an cry when I feel this way.

I'm up and down (3).

The nervousness is present most of the time (2). If I don't take Chromium, I can't calm down at all. [We noticed that Greg's answers were a bit disjointed.] I feel hectic (3), stressed (3), short-tempered (2). I've had a reputation as a friendly, upbeat person with a temper (2). I get very wound up (3). It's a struggle to control my franticness.

The fear snowballs. A lot of it has to do with a relationship which I've been in on and off over the past couple of years. What am I doing in Seattle? Where am I going to live? I have imagined stresses (3).

In 1987-8 I noticed about 20 episodes of being unable to speak. It happened once a month for two to three months. Jogging made it worse. It even happened once while I was in a raft giving instructions. I couldn't get any clear words to come out. My first grand mal seizure resulted in a hospitalization for six days. I fractured one of my upper vertebrae when I fell. My back was sore for six months afterwards. I would get cold, wet, tingling spots in the middle of my back.

I moved to Seattle in 1990 to be with my girlfriend, although there were no specific plans for the relationship. I didn't get much sleep as I was preparing to leave Indonesia. I arrived in Seattle the day before the huge snowstorm. We were without power for six days. I ate a huge Christmas dinner and a lot of chocolate chip cookies. Then I had another episode of aphasia and another grand mal seizure.

My relationship was up and down. I did odd jobs. Then I started to notice real blood sugar problems. [Greg apologized here for skipping around.] I would become lethargic after eating. I passed out for two to three hours. I ate a high sugar diet without realizing it. I became depressed, up and down, cried. I decided to move to Montana. [Greg's eyes darted around the room as he spoke.] I'm working now doing deliveries. It's very hectic. Definitely a job I shouldn't do. I have to work twelve hours a day because I commute. I have to calm myself down before stressful situations like work.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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