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Which of the following health conditions is not directly benefited by breathing exercises?
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 Naturopathic Medicine: Adult Onset Diabetes 

  • Rehmannia Eight F. (Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan): Kidney Yin Xu (Deficiency) with Kidney Yang Xu (Deficiency): Early-onset (insulin-dependent) diabetes.

  • Rehmannia Six F. (Liu Wei Di Huang Wan) (available as patent); Rehmannia 16 (patent); Cuscuta 15 (patent): Kidney Yin Xu (Deficiency).

  • Quan Lu Wan (patent): Adult diabetes with both Kidney Yin Xu (Deficiency) and Kidney Yang Xu (Deficiency).

  • Ci Wu Jia Pian (patent): tonic to increase gland function.
    Can Subtle Energy Medicine really help a physical problem like high blood sugar?
    The use of flower essences, very dilute tincture made from fresh flowers, can work wonders to help control sugar cravings and other symptoms of DM. Flowers used for diabetes include:
    • blackberry
    • chamomile
    • nasturtium

    Another Subtle Energy modality advocates the use of color therapy, either through wearing clothes of a certain color, or using colored lights in your home and work place.
    • lemon on front of body helps to dissolve blood clots and acts as a "balancing" agent in chronic disease, such as diabetes.

    • yellow on abdomen and lower thorax acts on the intestines, stimulates the digestive action of the pancreas, increases the flow of bile and hydrochloric acid (both important agents of digestion).

    • magenta on the tops of the feet helps improves circulation.

    • lemon and yellow can also be applied to the solar plexus for 15 minutes to control hunger.

    • indigo applied on the throat can help control thirst.

    • blue on the liver for 5 minutes can stimulate the flow of bile.

    • blue on brow can relieve sugar cravings.

    • orange, green and indigo in combination is said to improve insulin function.

    How can I use the power of my mind to improve or cure Diabetes? How can Psycho-Spiritual Therapy help me?
    The mind is your most powerful tool for regaining health, especially if you are willing to look at mental patterns that keep you "stuck" in your disease. Consider the following concepts, and explore any that strike a chord.
    • Longing for what might have been; a great need to control; deep sorrow; no sweetness left.

    • Bitterness in life and need to sweeten one's life.

    • Associated with stress. Diabetics have increased ketones (a byproduct of protein digestion) after stress. Anecdotal review of life histories of 50 DM patients correlates the onset of disease after a period of environmental or interpersonal stress. Stress has been associated with exacerbations of the disease.

    • The many personality traits conducive to obesity apply as well to the adult diabetic. All told, there exists a tendency for a highly depressed attitude in conjunction with a knee-jerk reaction to the disease, which creates a fatalistic attitude toward the condition. If this sounds familiar to you, know that you don't just have to accept this. You can do something about it, and change your life for the better. The major ingredients for improving the menu are faith, and persistence.

    • Associated with need for immediate gratification.

    • Starvation for love and affection from the family.

    • Common parental messages communicated to diabetics as children:
      • be in control
      • do not be angry or upset
      • death will occur at an early age
      • you are special but flawed
      • be strong and do not ask for help

    • May be due to the strain of inadequately satisfied demands for love and attention.
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     About The Author
    Emily Kane NDA graduate of Bastyr University in Seattle, she completed both the Naturopathic and Acupuncture/Oriental Medicine programs. Her preceptor work (similar to residencies) took place in Seattle, West Virginia and China,......more
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