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 Integrative Medicine: Alternative Approaches to Prostate Cancer 

Some Examples of Prostate Cancer Patients Using Alternative Therapies
The first patient CS is using our program along with combined hormonal blockade. He was first seen in our office in Oct 93 at the age of 74 years old. At the end of 1991, a hard prostate nodule was felt on rectal examination. He was given 35 external beam radiation treatments in late ‘91 and early ‘92. However, by Nov 92, his PSA began to rise and biopsy revealed residual cancer in both lobes of the prostate. A CT scan showed enlarged lymph nodes, suggesting CA spread to them. In July 1993, he was started on complete hormonal blockade, after his PSA reached 53. Within a few months, his PSA was down to zero. In Oct ‘93, he started our program, which included amydalin, shark cartilage, coenzyme Q10, vitamin C and other oral nutrients. He also began IV infusions of vitamin C, minerals and amygdalin. Now, two years after starting our program, he feels great and his PSA is normal.

Another patient EH has been receiving our alternative treatment program instead of combined hormonal blockade. Here is his story. He had a nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer in 1988 and was well until 1993, when his PSA began to rise. He was given external beam radiation--37 treatments, but soon after completion, his PSA began to rise again. Either combined hormonal blockade or removal of his testes was offered as treatment. Instead he chose our program in Oct ‘94 and had felt great since that time. His PSA has decreased and he seems to be stable.

Two other patients LG and SR have chosen our treatment program instead of conventional treatment. They are being monitored closely. SR is a 67 year old married, vigorous, retired letter carrier. In Feb ‘95, he was diagnosed with a stage II prostate cancer. Two urologists recommended a radical prostatectomy. Instead he started an intensive program of amygdalin, FlorEssence, shark cartilage, selenium, Vitamin C, CoQ10, Vitamin E, niacinamide and others. He is also receiving IV infusions of C, minerals and amygdalin. On this program, so far, he appears to be doing great. The same is true for LG, a 60 year old engineer, for whom surgery was recommended, but declined by the patient. He has been on our program since May ‘94 and has had a reduction of symptoms and improvement of his PSA. These are just a few examples of prostate cancer patients who are benefitting from alternative treatments.

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 About The Author
Michael Schachter MD, FACAM Director of the Schachter Center for Complementary Medicine, Michael B. Schachter, M.D., is a 1965 graduate of Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons. He is board certified in Psychiatry, a Certified Nutrition......more
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