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 Cancer: Antineoplaston Therapy 
Richard Walters ©

Dr. Burzynski maintains a calm, single-minded perseverance in the face of opposition. With philosophical detachment, he once said, "Most medical breakthroughs have happened because there was some lack of suppression by the supervisors of people doing some innovative work. For instance, the introduction of insulin happened after experiments were performed by Dr. Banting in the absence of the head of his laboratory. He went for a vacation to Europe, and this allowed Dr. Banting to have some freedom to do the experiments....

"That they leave you alone-this is the best you can hope for, yes. Louis Pasteur's discovery was suppressed for about 22 years, and the reason why it was finally accepted was because Louis Pasteur was allowed to do a final experiment to indicate the effectiveness of his vaccinations. The experiment was constructed in a way that his adversaries thought would never succeed, and they set it up this way to prove that the discovery was not working. But they made an error. They allowed a certain degree of freedom. They allowed him to do the experiment, hoping that it would fail-but it succeeded."8


1. S.R. Burzynski, E. Kubove, and B. Burzynski, "Phase II Clinical Trials of Antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 Infusions in Astrocytoma," 17th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Berlin, Germany, 1991.
2. Ralph W. Moss, The Cancer Industry (New York: Paragon House, 1989), pp. 307-308.
3. Burzynski et al., op. cit.
4. S.R. Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D., "The Body Itself Has a Treatment for Cancer," lecture presented at the 1990 World Research Foundation Congress, Los Angeles, 7 October 1990, published in Health Consciousness,June 1991, pp. 31-32.
5. Avis Lang, "The Disease of Information Processing: An Interview With Stanislaw R. Burzynski, Townsend Letter for Doctors, June 1989, p. 294.
6. Dvorit Samid, Lin Ti Sherman, and Donata Rimoldi, "Induction of Phenotypic Reversion and Terminal Differentiation in Tumor Cells by Antineoplaston AS2-1," abstract, Ninth International Symposium on Future Trends in Chemotherapy, Geneva, 26-28 March 1990.
7. T.G. Muldoon, J.A. Copland, A.F. Lehner, and L.B. Hendry, "Inhibition of Spontaneous Mouse Mammary Tumour Development by Antineoplaston A10," Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research, vol. 13 (supp. I), 1987.
8. Lang, op. cit., p. 292.


Burzynski Clinic
6221 Corporate Drive
Houston, TX 77036
Phone: 713-777-8233

For further information on antineoplaston therapy and details on treatment.

Reading Material

Gary Null's Complete Guide to Healing Your Body Naturally, by Gary Null .

The Cancer Industry: UnraveUing the Politics, by Ralph W. Moss.

Burzynski Clinic, written and published by the Burzynski Clinic (see above for address and phone number). Patient brochure.

From Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book by Richard Walters, © 1992. Published by Avery Publishing, New York. For personal use only; neither the digital nor printed copy may be copied or sold. Reproduced by permission.

(Excerpted from Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book ISBN: 0895295105)
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