| Naturopathic Medicine: Asthma | |
Xing Shi Gan Tang); Chuan Bei Jing Pian (patent): Lung Heat: Asthmatic cough with mucus in strong patient,
thirst, wheezing, coughing, labored breathing, yellow tongue coat
Six Major Herbs (Liu Jun Zi Tang): Spleen Qi Deficiency with Phlegm: poor appetite, bloated abdomen, loose
stools, asthma after overeating or after rich food, gurgling with breathing during asthma attack
Sheng Mai San; Li Fei (patent): Lung Qi Xu (Deficiency): chronic cough with sparse sputum that is difficult to
expectorate, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, dry mouth.
Ma Huang and Gingko C. (Ding Chuan Tang) (available as patent): Lung Obstructed by Phlegm-Heat: coughing
and wheezing with copious thick yellow sputum, labored breathing
Phellodendron C.; Li Fei (patent): Lung Yin Xu (Deficiency)
Rehmannia Eight F. (Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan) plus Shen Jie San: long-term asthma, more trouble inhaling, skinny,
spontaneous sweating, feels cold
Rehmannia and Schizandra C. (Du Qi Wan); Qi Guan Yan Ke Sou Tan Chuan Wan (patent): Kidney Yin
Xu (Deficiency)
Perilla Fruit C. (Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang): Lung Obstructed by Damp-Phlegm with Kidney Failing to Grasp Qi:
coughing and wheezing with watery, copious sputum; shortness of breath with labored inhalation and smooth
exhalation, white greasy tongue coat
Ma Huang and Morus C. (Hua Gai San): Lung Invaded by Wind-Cold: long term treatment, in children; poor
appetite, GI distress.
Bi Min Gan Wan (patent); Pinellia 16 (patent) plus Xanthium 12 (patent): Asthma due to allergy.
Pinellia 16 (patent): Phlegm; plus Gecko A (patent) for Kidney Xu (Deficiency); plus Xanthium 12 (patent) for
allergic asthma; plus Cyperus 18 (patent) for anxiety; plus Ginseng 6 (patent) for dryness
The word "patent" as it appears above refers to the prepared Chinese herbal formulations which are available in
pill or tablet form. If there is a "Chinatown" or international district near where you live, you may well be able to find
these patent medicines, as well as loose herbs to make into your "soup" therapy.
Another aspect of TCM is the insertion of ultra fine needles into specific acupoints, to stimulate the vital force
(called Qi -- pronounced chee) to flow smoothly and restore balance and optimal functioning to the internal
organs, emotions and musculo-skeletal structures. Some of the most important points in controlling asthma lie,
naturally, along the Lung meridian, which flows from just under the lateral collarbone, down the arm, and ending
on the edge of the thumb nail. The Kidneys are also crucial in lung functioning, according to TCM, because the
Kidneys draw down the Qi of the Lung and convert the inhaled air into physical nutrients. Your acupuncturist will
likely choose points from the Kidney meridian also. These points run from the bottom of the foot, up the inner leg,
across the abdomen and end under the collar bone, just medial to where the Lung merdian begins. Other points
may include:
- Kidney-3 (at the inner ankle) and Lung-5 (in the crease of the elbow) for asthma with difficult inhalation
- Spleen-4 (along the inner arch of the foot) and Lung-5 for asthma with difficult exhalation
- Bladder-13 , Bladder-20 (along the spine) and Stomach-36 (a very important poitn just below the knee on the
outer leg) for prevention of asthma before seasonal occurence
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 | A graduate of Bastyr University in Seattle, she completed both the Naturopathic and Acupuncture/Oriental Medicine programs. Her preceptor work (similar to residencies) took place in Seattle, West Virginia and China,......more |
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