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 Awareness & Five Koshas: Awareness & the Five Koshas - The Process of Yoga Nidra 

The 'I' image, like the body, is built up of memory. The 'I' image arises in perceiving. Once seen, the 'I' image, like the body, dissolves in Awareness. Neither have a separate existence apart from Awareness, their home ground.

In perceiving we move free of memory. In this there is spontaneous purification without anticipation toward gain. In this there is spontaneous giving up of what we are not and a being of what we are. What has appeared as progression is revealed to have only been description for there can be no prescription to come to what we are. Whatever we come to is an object of perception. But what we are is not an object. What we are reveals itself when all striving to become is relinquished. When we are not, Awareness is. When we are, Awareness is not. In being Awareness, there is neither perceiver nor perceived. This is liberation from separation and suffering, Yoga in its ultimate expression. Liberation is living in the beauty of our absence. In this there is no seer and nothing seen. Everything is made of the same substance, vast, spacious unqualified Awareness, unfathomable to the mind.

7. Sahaj - Our Natural Condition

As the Koshas are completely explored they empty into their underlying cause, Awareness, and separation and suffering dissolve. Physical healing may or may not concurrently unfold, but everything is in place. Right and appropriate actions in response to what remains in body and mind spontaneously arise. There is no reaction or defense, only right action spontaneously arising and appropriate to each situation. Situation and its response are one movement, not two. They are complimentarities within the field of nondual Awareness.

1. Awareness, Consciousness, Presence, Being and God are interchangeable concepts.
2. Here we may use the energy system of the chakras as well as the nadis of ida and pingala.
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 About The Author
Richard C. Miller PhDRichard Miller's teachings come out of his direct experience of living truth as echoed in the timeless teachings of nondualism found in Advaita, Zen and Chan. He is recognized as a leader in the field of nondualism,......more
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