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 Beginning Your Wellness Journey: Beginning Your Wellness Journey 

James S. Gordon, M.D.
Founder and Director of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine, author of Manifesto for a New Medicine

"People are proactively looking for life and health enhancement strategies. The Wellness Inventory is a 21st century tool which helps people transform valuable insight into results-oriented action."

Kathleen Hurley, CEO, Integral Health, Inc.

"The Wellness Inventory is a powerful tool for health and wellness coaches and their clients. Coaching is all about motivation, intention and follow through, and the Wellness Inventory provides clients with invaluable feedback and the ability to track progress in any of the 12 areas of life. This tool should be part of every coaches tool box."

Patrick Williams, Ph.D.
Master Certified Coach
CEO, Institute for Life Coach Training (
Training professionals in life, health and wellness coaching

"This self-assessment tool offers new insights into what makes life worth living, and loving, and breathing. Medical care will never bring you to the brink of joyfulness, zest for life, and treating the environment responsibly. The Wellness Inventory puts the health back into health care."

Kent W. Peterson, M.D., F.A.C.P.M., Former director, American College of Preventive Medicine; Past president, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine; Clinical Associate Professor, New York University

"As one of the first people to computerize the Health Risk Appraisal, Dr. Travis saw its limitations early on and developed the Wellness Inventory to extend into the all important quality of life issues. For over 25 years, he has continued to keep it at the forefront of wellness."

Kenneth R. Pelletier, Ph.D., M.D.(hc),Chairman, American Health Association
Clinical Professor of Medicine, Director, Corporate Health Improvement Program (CHIP), University of Arizona School of Medicine
Clinical Professor of Medicine, Department of Family and Community Medicine,
and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry University of California School of Medicine (USCF) San Francisco

The Wellness Inventory is based on the pioneering work of John W. Travis, MD, MPH, recognized as a founder of the modern wellness movement. Dr. Travis was a protégé of Lewis C. Robbins, creator of the Health Risk Appraisal, while a resident in preventive medicine at Johns Hopkins and an officer with the US Public Health Service. In the early 1970s, influenced by Abraham Maslow's concept of self-actualization, and other early leaders in the human potential movement, he decided to dedicate his life to "teaching people to be well" rather than treating patients.

He subsequently helped to pioneer the modern wellness movement, by opening the first wellness center in the US in 1975; writing the classic Wellness Workbook (1977, 1981, 1988, 2004), which has been used by wellness and health promotion educators in universities for over 30 years; and creating the first wellness assessment - the Wellness Inventory.

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