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 The Spiritual Journey: Bringing the Sacred into the Ordinary 

Keeping a Spiritual Journal
The most powerful inner work I've done over the past twenty years has been keeping a spiritual journal, which includes all my revelations, inspirations, poetry, artwork, and invocations that pertain to my greater story. I only document what is essential--the times when I know some major soul event is taking shape in my life.

It is very important to date every entry. For when you look back, you will see so clearly how your soul's journey through time unfolds along a larger trajectory than this one mere ego's biography. You may have past life recalls, mystical experiences, or "big" dreams that are prophetic; or you may be able to chart how your invocations are always answered over time.

But when one event happens when you are twenty-nine, not to be picked up on consciously until you are thirty-three, and not again until you are fortytwoÑyou can see how you would miss this stream of unfolding storyline if you were attempting to recall through your ordinary memory.

Your spiritual journal will become your most cherished companion and will be a constant recorder that "you are more than what you look like."

The soul is big! It treks through its "grades in school" spread out over many lifetimes--from the beginning of time until now--always unfolding, always taking on life afresh, in every generation. You don't have to believe in reincarnation to know this. Our DNA is a "time traveler," having been us since time began. So you can go about this scientifically, through the generations in your family chain if you so choose.

But the important thing is not to miss what is happening in your very essence. You came here on purpose. And your life has counted for something grand--though much of it seems to pass you right by. It helps, of course, to have traveling companions, lovers, friends, and teachers along the way. But the real work is within you! You are an amazing work of art--so beautiful a design that God actually made you utterly unique.

It's important to honor yourself for your courage, understanding, and growing compassion as you mature into your whole Self. And never forget that you are both human and divine--a member of a true "hybrid species" at this particular stage in your unfolding--on your way to full blossoming. It's up to each of us what type of future we wish to co-create and then share with one another in harmony and delight. For anything is possible when we can believe it, invoke it, recognize it, and then make it so.

Our only qualification is that we must know exactly what we wish to create because if we focus intently upon something, it will manifest in some fashion in our lives. When we are willing to take on life fully, as many of the great Beings who came before us have done, we fall into our natural state as co-creaters, which is bliss. Then all our suffering ceases. This does not mean we won't still experience times of pain or distress with our times of pleasure: the complementary opposites are both real and essential to keep us "on the mark." But pain and pleasure are mere states of consciousness, intense experiences that can be entered into and not feared at all. Suffering, however, is another thing. It is the failure to let go of something that's no longer working. It is holding on to the past. Suffering takes us into victimhood and feelings of powerlessness over our lives. And this is the opposite of the practical mystic's way.

(Excerpted from Becoming a Practical Mystic, A Hazelden Book:)
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