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 Homeopathy: Burns 
The information provided here is not only applicable to children but to most people with burns.


  • The most common type of burn is a first-degree burn which creates reddening of the skin and pain. A second-degree burn creates blistering, along with redness and pain. A third-degree burn has occurred when all the layers of skin are burned through and the skin appears white or charred black. Medical attention is important for any third-degree burn and whenever any first or second-degree burn extends over a significant part of the body. Although some people do not think about seeking medical attention for sunburns, extensive sunburns in children should receive medical care.
CALENDULA: This is the first remedy to consider for first degree burns and for scars from previous burns. It is a good external remedy for sunburns. Apply the diluted tincture, spray, or gel externally.

CANTHARIS: This remedy is for pain of a burn, especially more severe burns such as second or third degree burns. It should be taken internally in potency and/or externally, though access to the tincture requires a doctor's prescription (this is because the tincture is toxic if taken internally). Internal or external applications of Cantharis are good for sunburns.

Causticum: This internal remedy should be considered for second degree burns.

URTICA URENS: This is one of the primary medicines used to reduce the pain of first degree burns, including sunburns, and to speed up the healing process. It can be taken internally in 6th or 30th potency as well as applied in a external tincture.

Copyright 1992 by Dana Ullman, M.P.H. used by permission of the author from the book Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants published by Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam.

For further information about homeopathic medicine, contact:
Homeopathic Educational Services
2124B Kittredge St.
Berkeley, CA. 94704
(510)649-1955 (fax)

(Excerpted from Homeopathic Medicines for Children and Infants ISBN: 0874776929)
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 About The Author
Dana Ullman, MPHDANA ULLMAN, MPH, is one of America's leading advocates for homeopathy. He has authored 10 books, including ...more
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