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 Nutritional Medicine: Chelation Therapy and Nutrition for Vascular Disease  

1 Clarke NE; Clarke CN; Mosher RE. Treatment of Angina Pectoris with Disodium Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid, Am J of Med Sci, Dec. 1956, 654-666.

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9 Cranton EM, Frackelton JP. Free radical pathology in age-associated diseases: treatment with EDTA chelation, nutrition and antioxidants. J Hol Med 1984; 6: 6-37.

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15 Cranton EM; ed: A textbook on EDTA chelation therapy. J Adv Med 1989; 2: 1-416.

16 Ibid.

17 van Rij AM, et al., Chelation therapy for intermittent claudication. A double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Circulation, 1994; 90:1194-1199

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 About The Author
Michael Janson MDMichael Janson, M.D., is past-president of the American College for Advancement in Medicine and the American Preventive Medical Association. He founded one of the first holistic medical practices in New England......more
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