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 Chelation Therapy: Chelation therapy: Is it Natural?  

What is known is that once atheromatous concretions lose the calcium which bind them, after a series of chelation infusions, the innate natural defence mechanisms of the body aided by dietary and exercise methods where appropriate, safely take over the removal of the remaining debris which is impeding the blood flow.

Diet and exercise
For many, these can certainly offer help in the long term and should be included whatever else is done (drugs, surgery or chelation), but may not offer the speedy result needed. The exercise element may also be virtually impossible for anyone with intermittent claudication and out of the question, or at best extremely difficult, for someone with cerebral ischaemia or who has had a stroke.

Chelation therapy (combined where possible with dietary and exercise strategies, and by means of mechanisms which will be discussed in later chapters) encourages the circulatory obstructions to be dissolved by the body's own efforts after the concrete binding the blocking material has been dissolved and removed.

Without doubt it would be better to use totally natural methods such as exercise and preventive nutritional approaches. But even if the person so affected were able to comply with the strenuous demands for compliance in such a programme there might not be time to do this before time ran out. Compromise as to what is totally 'natural' would seem to be a small price to pay if the method chosen is safe and is used as part of a comprehensive approach which not only attempts to restore normality to the circulation, but to ensure prevention of any recurrence.

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 About The Author
Leon Chaitow ND, DO, MROA practicing naturopath, osteopath, and acupuncturist in the United Kingdom, with over forty years clinical experience, Chaitow is Editor-in-Chief, of the ...more
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