Select a symptom-specific remedy from the suggestions below. The right remedy should work within forty-eight hours. Unless otherwise directed, give your child one dose, three to four times a day, until symptoms are relieved. If your child gets no relief in forty-eight hours, try another remedy.
If your child has diarrhea after eating too much sugar, give her Argentum nitricum 30x or 9c.
Arsenicum album 30x or 9c helps to resolve diarrhea related to food poisoning, anxiety, or stress. This remedy is usually needed for only one or two days.
If your child has diarrhea after eating dairy products, or is teething with diarrhea, give her Calcarea carbonica 30x or 9c.
If your child has abdominal bloating and diarrhea after eating too much fruit, give her China 30x or 9c.
Colocynthis 12x or 6c is very effective against the twisting and cramping abdominal pain that often accompanies diarrhea.
Magnesia phosphorica 12x or 6c helps relax the bowel and ease cramping.
For any kind of abdominal pain, alternating Colycynthis with Magnesia phosphorica is excellent. You should not need to give these remedies for more than 24 hours.
If your child has green, foul-smelling diarrhea, use Mercurius solubilis 30x or 9c.
If your child has a tendency toward recurrent diarrhea and craves salt, give her Natrum muriaticum 30x or 9c.
If your child has diarrhea after eating fatty foods, give her Pulsatilla 30x or 9c.
If none of the above remedies seems right for your child, a homeopathic combination diarrhea remedy may be helpful.
Bach Flower Remedies
If you suspect that your
child's diarrhea is emotionally based, try giving her Mimulus to help
balance her emotions.
(SeeBach Flower Remedies.)
For the locations of acupressure points on a child's body, see
Administering an Acupressure Treatment.
Stomach 36 tones the digestive system.
General Recommendations
Be sure your child is taking adequate fluids. When a small body is losing fluids as rapidly as it does with diarrhea, dehydration is a very serious concern. If you are not comfortable with the progress your child is making, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.
If your child has repeated episodes of diarrhea, rest the gastrointestinal tract as much as possible. To avoid dehydration, give her repeated small sips of water, miso soup, or diluted fruit juices.