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 Homeopathy: Common Cold 

EUPHRASIA: Children who need Euphrasia have profuse burning tears from the eyes and a bland nasal discharge. The whites of the eyes and the cheeks become reddened from the burning tears. The eye symptoms are worse in the open air. The profuse bland nasal discharge, often accompanied by sneezing, is worse at night, while lying down, and in windy weather. After a day or two of these profuse discharges, the cold then moves to the larnyx, creating a hard cough and a hoarse voice. The cough is worse in the daytime and is ameliorated by lying down.

Ferrum phos: This remedy is effective for children who get head colds with nosebleeds or who have blood in their nasal discharge.

Gelsemium: Children who need this remedy experience a watery nasal discharge, sneezing, and fullness at the root of the nose. Concurrent with this cold may be a fever, body aches, general fatigue, aching in the back part of the head, and sometimes a sore throat.

Hepar sulphur: This remedy is indicated for children who sneeze from the least exposure to cold air. Their nasal discharge is thick and yellow, and their nostrils and the bones of the nose are very sore. The nasal passages are sensitive to cold air. Sometimes these children concurrently have a headache. Typically, they are sensitive to touch and are generally irritable.

Kali bic: Stringy, ropy, yellow mucus is characteristic of children who need this remedy. When children get a thick, viscid nasal discharge, this medicine is invaluable. They may also experience post-nasal drip with tenacious mucus and pain at the root of the nose which is better from applying pressure there. There may be a constant inclination to blow the nose. The discharge, along with the sneezing, is worse by exposure to cold or in the open air. Sometimes these children get a swollen throat which is relieved by warm liquids. A cough may also occur concurrently.

Natrum mur: This remedy is most often given to children who get recurrent colds and whose symptoms match the certain Natrum mur characteristics. These children tend to develop their symptoms after an emotional experience, especially after grief. Death, divorce, unrequited love, or homesickness may create a grief that is not fully expressed, eventually leading to various physical complaints. They experience frequent sneezing and a profuse watery discharge from the nose and eyes, and a loss of taste and smell. Eventually, the nasal discharge may lead to a state of chronic nasal congestion and thick white mucus. Their symptoms are worse in the morning, at which time they usually hawk up much mucus. Dry and cracked lips or a cold sore may accompany the cold.

Nux vomica: These children develop their cold after overindulging in food, alcohol, or drugs (medicinal or recreational) or after prolonged mental or emotional stress. The nose alternates between having a fluent discharge and being dry and blocked. The discharge is usually fluent in the daytime and obstructed at night. This medicine is also a common remedy for the sniffles in newborns.

PULSATILLA: This remedy is commonly given to children who experience either acute or chronic colds. Typically, they have a thick, yellow or greenish mucus, and a bland discharge (a discharge that does not irritate or burn the nostrils or facial skin). They have nasal congestion that is worse at night, especially upon lying down, which leads to mouth breathing during sleep. Nasal congestion tends to alternate sides. This congestion is worse in a warm room and is more fluent in the open air. They sometimes develop their cold after overindulging in fatty or rich foods. Despite having a dry mouth, they are thirstless. Pulsatilla is a very common remedy for the sniffles in newborns, especially when their nasal discharge is yellow or green. The children who most commonly fit the Pulsatilla syndrome are emotional, sensitive, and easily hurt. They are moody and weep easily. They crave affection and sympathy and cannot get enough of it. They are impressionaonable, so much so that if parents are worried about their child's health, the child will tend to get worse, while if parents are confident that the child will get better, the child usually does.

(Excerpted from Homeopathic Medicines for Children and Infants ISBN: 0874776929)
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 About The Author
Dana Ullman, MPHDANA ULLMAN, MPH, is one of America's leading advocates for homeopathy. He has authored 10 books, including ...more
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