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 Acupuncture Usage - General Pain: Current Bibliographies in Medicine
Acupuncture Usage
General Pain
National Institutes of Health ©

Nash TP. Development of medicine and stimulation produced analgesia. Pain Clin 1992;5(3):181-5.

Nguyen-Van-Nghi. Acupuncture anesthesia; concerning the first 50 cases conducted in France. Am J Chin Med 1973 Jan;1(1):135-42.

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Qi D, Anming L. 105 cases of benign arthralgia treated by combination of electro-acupuncture and infrared irradiation. Chin J Acupunct Moxibustion 1990;3(1):53-4.

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Salim M. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in chronic pain. Altern Ther Clin Pract 1996 Jul-Aug;3(4):33-5.

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Sechzer PH, Leung SJ. Acupuncture: surgical aspects. Bull N Y Acad Med 1975;51(8):922-9.

Senior K. Acupuncture: can it take the pain away? Mol Med Today 1996 Apr;2(4):150-3.

Shankar N, Varshney A, Bhattacharya A, Sharma KN. Electroacupuncture, morphine and clonidine: a comparative study of analgesic effects. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1996 Jul;40(3):225-30.

Shinohara S, Odahara Y, Kitade T, Hyodo M. Comparison of the effects of leaving needle, direct current electrical acupuncture, and low-frequency electrical acupuncture therapy. Acupunct Electrother Res 1986;11(2):101-10.

Sittl R, Tschaikowsky K, Griessinger N, Risack D. [Determination of inhibiting neurotransmitters in liquor after acupuncture or the administration of morphine]. Dtsch Z Akupunkt 1994;37(4):77-82. (Ger).

Sjolund B, Terenius L, Eriksson M. Increased cerebrospinal fluid levels of endorphins after electro-acupuncture. Acta Physiol Scand 1977;100(3):382-4.

Sodipo JO. Therapeutic acupuncture for chronic pain. Pain 1979 Dec;7(3):359-65.

Starr A, Abraham G, Zhu Y, Ding DY, Ma L. Electrophysiological measures during acupuncture-induced surgical analgesia. Arch Neurol 1989 Sep;46(9):1010-2.

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Stewart D, Thomson J, Oswald I. Acupuncture analgesia: an experimental investigation. Br Med J 1977 Jan 8;1(6053):67-70.

Stump JL, Rash G, Zhao Z. The effect of the seney hypothermic electrophoretic instrument in the treatment of pain: a clinical study. Chiropr Sports Med 1994;8(2):53-8.

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Thomas D, Collins S, Strauss S. Somatic sympathetic vasomotor changes documented by medical thermographic imaging during acupuncture analgesia. Clin Rheumatol 1992;11(1):55-9.

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Toomey TC, Ghia JN, Mao W, Gregg JM. Acupuncture and chronic pain mechanisms: the moderating effects of affect, personality, and stress on response to treatment. Pain 1977 Apr;3(2):137-45.

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Wang X. Postoperative pain: clinical study on the use of the second metacarpal holographic points for wound pain following abdominal surgery. Am J Acupunct 1992;20(2):119-21.

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Widerstrom-Noga EG. Analgesic effects of somatic afferent stimulation: a psychobiological perspective [dissertation]. Goteborg (Sweden): University of Goteborg, Department of Physiology; 1993. 57 p.

Wigram JR, Lewith GT, Machin D, Church JJ. Electroacupuncture for postoperative pain. Physiother Pract 1986;2(2):83-8.

Wyant GM, Camerlain M. Chinese acupuncture. Can Anaesth Soc J 1977 Jan;24(1):75-89.

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Zoller B, Fuchs P, Zoller J. [Application of low power lasers for stellate ganglion block - a new variation in pain therapy]. AKU 1994;22(4):268-73. (Ger).

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