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 Acupuncture Usage - Lower Extremities: Current Bibliographies in Medicine
Acupuncture Usage
Lower Extremities
National Institutes of Health ©
Selected Controlled Trials

Christensen BV, Iuhl IU, Vilbek H, Bulow HH, Dreijer NC, Rasmussen HF. Acupuncture treatment of severe knee osteoarthrosis. A long-term study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1992 Aug;36(6):519-25.

Christensen BV, Juhl IU, Wilbek H, Bulow HH, Dreijer NC, Rasmussen HF. [Acupuncture treatment of knee arthrosis. A long-term study]. Ugeskr Laeger 1993 Dec 6;155(49):4007-11. (Dan).

Fargas-Babjak A, Rooney P, Gerecz E. Randomized trial of codetron for pain control in osteoarthritis of the hip/knee. Clin J Pain 1989;5(2):137-41.

Fargas-Babjak AM, Pomeranz B, Rooney PJ. Acupuncture-like stimulation with codetron for rehabilitation of patients with chronic pain syndrome and osteoarthritis. Acupunct Electrother Res 1992;17(2):95-105.

Mast R, Schoch T, Scharf HP. [Acupuncture against postoperative pain after total knee replacement - a placebo-controlled trial on immediate effects]. Aktuel Rheumatol 1995;20(4):131-4. (Ger).

Myhal D, Lebel E, Leung CY, Camerlain M. [Radioisotope study of the effect of acupuncture on the articular vascularization of the knee]. Union Med Can 1981 Dec;110(12):1046-8. (Fre).

Puett DW, Griffin MR. Published trials of nonmedical and noninvasive therapies for hip and knee osteoarthritis. Ann Intern Med 1994;121(2):133-40 .

Takeda W, Wessel J. Acupuncture for the treatment of pain of osteoarthritic knees. Arthritis Care Res 1994 Sep;7(3):118-22.

Vrchota KD, Belgrade M J, Johnson RJ, Potts JF. True acupuncture vs. sham acupuncture and conventional sports medicine therapy for plantar fascitis pain: a controlled, double-blind study. Int J Clin Acupunct 1991;2(3):247-53.

Other Data

Aigner N, Fialka C, Weinstabl R, Aigner G, Fritz A. [Laser acupuncture for patellar tendinitis in athletes]. AKU 1996 Jan;24(1):11-4. (Ger).

Arichi S, Arichi H, Toda S. Acupuncture and rehabilitation (III) effects of acupuncture applied to the normal side on osteoarthritis deformans and rheumatoid arthritis of the knee and on disorders in motility of the knee joint after cerebral hemorrhage and thrombosis. Am J Chin Med 1983;11(1-4):146-9.

Berman BM, Lao L, Greene M, Anderson RW, Wong RH, Langenberg P, Hochberg MC. Efficacy of traditional Chinese acupuncture in the treatment of symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: a pilot study. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 1995 Jun;3(2):139-42.

Bulow HH, Christensen BV, Wilbek H, Iuhl IU, Dreijer NC, Rasmussen HF. Predictive value of subjective and objective evaluation before acupuncture treatment. Am J Chin Med 1992;20(1):17-23.

Di Bernardo N, Ferlazzo F, Biondo G, Cucinotta E, De Meo A. [Electroacupuncture and trophic ulcers]. Minerva Med 1980;71(51):3715-8. (Ita).

Erickson RJ, Edwards B. Medically unresponsive foot pain treated successfully with acupuncture. Acupunct Med 1996;14(2):71-4.

Ghia JN, Mao W, Toomey TC, Gregg JM. Acupuncture and chronic pain mechanisms. Pain 1976 Sep;2(3):285-99.

Gray P. Baker's cyst burst after acupuncture. Acupunct Med 1996;14(1):41-2.

Jensen H, Zesler R, Christensen T. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TNS) for painful osteoarthrosis of the knee. Int J Rehabil Res 1991;14(4):356-8.

Lin MT, Chandra A, Chen-Yen SM. Effects of needle stimulation of acupuncture loci Nei-Kuan (EH-6), Tsu-San-Li (St-36), San-Yin-Chiao (Sp-6) and Chu-Chih (LI-11) on cutaneous temperature and pain threshold in normal adults. Am J Chin Med 1981 Winter;9(4):305-14.

Paris DL, Baynes F, Gucker B. Effects of the neuroprobe in the treatment of second-degree ankle inversion sprains. Phys Ther 1983 Jan;63(1):35-40.

Sternfeld M, Finkelstein Y, Eliraz A, Barzilai N, Hod I. Symptomatic improvement and anatomical regression of arthritic hallux valgus deformity ('bunion') treated by acupuncture. Am J Acupunct 1992;20(1):9-12.

Svarcova J, Zvarova J, Pichova A, Kouba A, Simacek K, Uhlemann C, Callies R. [Comparison of the analgesic effects of electroacupuncture and of galvanic current in patients with activated ostoarthrosis (a controlled clinical study)]. Z Physiother 1990;42(6):375-8. (Ger).

Wang LQ, Wang AM, Zhang SD. Clinical analysis and experimental observation on acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of patellar tendon terminal disease in athletes. J Tradit Chin Med 1985 Sep;5(3):162-6.

Wu H. 34 cases of effusion of knee bursitis treated by acupuncture and cupping. Chin J Acupunct Moxibustion 1990;3(4):260-1.

Wu J. 100 cases of soft tissue sprain of dorsum pedis treated by puncturing Zusanli. Int J Clin Acupunct 1992;3(4):387-8.

Zhang F, Miao Y. Acupuncture treatment for sprains of the ankle joint in 354 cases. J Tradit Chin Med 1990 Sep;10(3):207-8.

Zwolfer W, Grubhofer G, Cartellieri M, Spacek A. Acupuncture in gonarthrotic pain--Bachmann's knee program. Am J Chin Med 1992;20(3-4):325-9.

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