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 Acupuncture Usage - Reviews: Current Bibliographies in Medicine
Acupuncture Usage
National Institutes of Health ©

Andersson S. The functional background in acupuncture effects. Scand J Rehabil Med Suppl 1993;(29):31-60.

Andersson S, Lundeberg T. Acupuncture--from empiricism to science: functional background to acupuncture effects in pain and disease. Med Hypotheses 1995 Sep;45(3):271-81.

Bahr FR. [Acupuncture in gynecology and obstetrics]. Gynakologe 1994 Dec;27(6):369-74. (Ger).

Belgrade M, Clark WC, Vincent C, Lewith G, Han JS, Pomeranz BH. Two decades after ping-pong diplomacy: is there a role for acupuncture in American pain medicine? APS J 1994;3(2):73-100.

Berman D. Pain relief and acupuncture: the if, why and how. Am J Acupunct 1979;7(1):31-41.

Bischko JJ. Acupuncture research in Austria during the last ten years. Acupunct Electrother Res 1976;1(1-4):45-9.

Bonica JJ. Acupuncture anesthesia in the People's Republic of China Implications for American medicine. JAMA 1974 Sep 2;229(10):1317-25.

Bonica JJ. Anesthesiology in the People's Republic of China. Anesthesiology 1974 Feb;40(2):175-86.

Bonica JJ. Therapeutic acupuncture in the People's Republic of China implications for American medicine. JAMA 1974 Jun 17;228(12):1544-51.

Cui Y. Zusanli and immunity, body defense and cancer: a review. Int J Clin Acupunct 1993;4(1):59-62.

Debreceni L. Chemical releases associated with acupuncture and electric stimulation. Crit Rev Phys Rehabil Med 1993;5(3):247-75.

Erickson RJ, editor. Review of acupuncture literature with critique & commentary; English language articles - 1994. Los Angeles: American Foundation of Medical Acupuncture; c1995. 43 p.

Erickson RJ, Rotchford J. Bibliography review of acupuncture articles in English language. Including all articles in acupuncture journals for 1993 to 1997, all Medline articles from 1991 to 1995 and some pertinent articles from the 1980 decade [bibliography]. Los Angeles: Medical Acupuncture Research Foundation; 1997. 109 p. 1532 citations.

Ernst E. Acupuncture/acupressure for weight reduction? A systematic review. Wien Klin Wochenschr 1997 Jan 31;109(2):60-2.

Eskinazi DP, editor. NIH Technology Assessment Workshop on Alternative Medicine: Acupuncture. J Altern Complement Med 1996 Spring;2(1):1-253.

Gemperle M. [Anesthesia by acupuncture in China]. Cah Anesthesiol 1974;22(4):401-4. (Fre).

Harrison T. Laser acupuncture: can lasers replace the needle? What is the optimum dosage? A review of current literature. Am J Acupunct 1989;17(4):325-9.

Hilkert-Boehme EM. Acupuncture controversy: comparing laser stimulation and traditional needle acupuncture. Dtsch Z Akupunkt 1994;37(1):12-9.

Hobbs B. The application of electricity to acupuncture needles: a review of the current literature and research with a brief outline of the principles involved. Complement Ther Med 1994 Jan;2(1):36-40.

Hsu DT. Acupuncture. A review. Reg Anesth 1996 Jul-Aug;21(4):361-70.

Jackson DA. Acupuncture for the relief of pain: a brief review. Phys Ther Rev 1997 Mar;2(1):13-8.

Lewith G, Vincent C. Evaluation of the clinical effects of acupuncture. A problem reassessed and a framework for future research. Pain Forum 1995;4(1):29-39.

Lewith GT. The clinical effects of acupuncture: methods of evaluation (smoking cessation, pain management, nausea) [thesis]. [Southampton (UK)]: University of Southampton; 1995.

Liao AY, compiler. Acupuncture: a research bibliography. New York: New York University Medical Center Library; 1975. 66 p.

Liao SJ. Recent advances in the understanding of acupuncture. Yale J Biol Med 1978;51(1):55-65.

Marcus P. Acupuncture treatment for industry. Occup Health (Lond) 1991;43(11):341-4.

Millman BS. Acupuncture: context and critique. Annu Rev Med 1977;28:223-34.

Peterson JR. Acupuncture in the 1990s. A review for the primary care physician. Arch Fam Med 1996 Apr;5(4):237-40; discussion 241.

Resch KL, Ernst E. [Proving the effectiveness of complementary therapy. Analysis of the literature exemplified by acupuncture]. Fortschr Med 1995 Feb 20;113(5):49-53. (Ger).

Saita HS. Modern scientific medical acupuncture. J Am Osteopath Assoc 1973 Mar;72(7):685-96.

Salzberg C, Miller A, Johnson LK. Acupuncture: history, clinical uses, and proposed physiology. Phys Med Rehabil Clin North Am 1995;6(4):905-16.

Steiner RP. Acupuncture--cultural perspectives. 1. The Western view. Postgrad Med 1983 Oct;74(4):60-7.

Tam BK, Tam MS. Acupuncture: an international bibliography. Metuchen (NJ): Scarecrow Press; 1973. 137 p.

Walsh DM. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and acupuncture points. Complement Ther Med 1996;4(2):133-7.

White A, Resch KL, Ernst E. Searching for acupuncture trials: which database? Acupunct Med 1995 Nov;13(2):97-9.

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