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 Naturopathy: Do What You Love and Health Will Follow 

Remember to be open to receiving messages as to when it's time to quit a job you have in the present. Carole, 32, came to us complaining of acne rosacea, a red rash covering the cheeks and nose. The rash was quite obvious and embarrassing to her. Through hypnosis, it became clear that she held considerable anger and resentment towards her employers and needed to quit in order to become healed. Another patient, Carl, an insurance manager, was promoted to a new job in a territory with which he was unfamiliar. Even though he was quite competent in his field, he was continually humiliated by his employees who challenged his newness and lack of managerial experience. The continual blatant slurs on his abilities shook his self-esteem to its roots and resulted in a flareup of rheumatoid arthritis he'd had years earlier. He was bound and determined to stay in the job, no matter what. It was clear to us that in order to heal, he would need to let go of his pride and change jobs, but he was unwilling to do so and his arthritis worsened.

It is our belief that each of us has a personal and/or a larger mission or purpose for their life which we can discover and fulfill, and that we find our greatest satisfaction and excellent health when we are actually living in accord with our purpose. How do you go about discovering what your purpose is? The first way is to take a look at your natural talents, interests and abilities. What do you do well? What is easy for you? What makes your heart sing with joy when you do it? How do you really look forward to spending your time? If you didn't have to work, what would you do? What is the most fun for you? Honest answers to these questions will put you on the right track. Answer them for yourself by writing the answers down right now. Now close your eyes and let yourself relax. Go on an inner journey to visit your higher self. One way is to imagine riding an elevator higher and higher until you come to the place where your higher self lives. When the door opens, there is your higher self, waiting to love and guide you toward your purpose. Take this opportunity to ask any questions about your life, purpose and mission for this lifetime. Your higher self knows your purpose and can guide you well. When you return from your journey, be ready to put that advice into real world changes in your work and lifestyle. We often do this visualization with the patients who come to us, and the results are profound. People discover what they had consciously forgotten about why they are really here, and what they have chosen to be and do in this life.

Begin by creating a vision of your ideal work. See the kind of work, the environment supportive of that work, the wonderful people you would be sharing the work with, those who would benefit from your work, and the contribution which your work would be making. If money weren't the primary issue, and enjoying your work was, what would you really like to do? How could you turn your favorite pleasures into income, legally that is? Here's an idea from Phil Laut's book, Money Is My Friend. Make a list of your ten favorite pleasures, activities that bring you a sense of fun, joy and satisfaction. Pick one that either produces a product or service from which you could receive income. Something that you would look forward to doing when you wake up in the morning that would bring other people something that they really needed or desired. When you produce what other people truly need or want, they are more than happy to reward your efforts handsomely. Now commit yourself to doing that activity until you make at least $100 from it. If you can make $100 while enjoying yourself, why would you ever want to do what you hate, just for the money. For example, if you like photography, take lots of pictures, select the best ones and sell them, to friends, galleries, magazines, at street fairs, shows and on the corner. Whatever it takes. It helps to select an activity that you not only like a lot, but that you are also good at. People will want to purchase a product or service produced with joy and love. Your enthusiasm for your work will help you naturally sell the product of your creativity. In this way, money shows up in your life without a struggle and with a great deal of joy and pleasure. Wouldn't it be great to feel excited about your work, and to share that excitement with others?

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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