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 Homeopathy: Do's and Don'ts for Homeopathic Patients 

These are the guidelines that we give to our patients based on our own clinical experience. We have seen many cases in which the substances and influences mentioned have interfered with homeopathic treatment and prefer to err in the direction of being overcautious, particularly while we are still trying to find the best remedy for the patient. We have discussed the issue of antidotion with many other homeopaths and their opinions vary with their own experience with patients. What is most important is that that you follow the instructions of your homeopath in this matter.

What to Avoid While Under Homeopathic Treatment

  1. Coffee: This is the one substance that most often interferes with homeopathic treatment. Even one sip of coffee or a small amount of coffee ice cream, Kahlua, or coffee candy may be sufficient to disturb the treatment. It appears to be the oils in coffee rather than the caffeine that is the culprit. Other caffeinated substances, although not considered healthy, do not usually interfere with homeopathic treatment.
  2. Electric blankets: They affect the action of remedies by altering your body's electromagnetic field.
  3. Aromatic substances: Avoid camphor, eucalyptus, menthol, and any products that contain them including Vick's, Noxema, Tiger Balm, Ben Gay, Calamine lotion, and cough drops and lozenges containing these substances. This includes aromatherapy oils as well as mouthwashes containing menthol and other aromatic compounds. Citronella oil, pennyroyal, and other aromatic herbal mosquito repellants, all thuja and tea tree products, peppermint oil, and lavender oil may interfere due to their aromaticity. Chapstick, Blistex, and other aromatic lip balms should also be avoided, although fruit-flavored balms are fine. Strong fumes from oil based paint, turpentine, paint thinner and certain household cleaning agents such as Pine Sol, Lysol, and strong smelling industrial chemicals may also interfere, depending on individual sensitivity.
  4. Medications: Homeopathic medicines will not prevent prescription drugs from working, but prescription drugs may interfere with homeopathic remedies. These include antibiotics, cortisone, and antifungals, whether topical or oral. Consult with your practitioner about any drugs that you are taking. She might ask to consult with the prescribing physician. If you experience severe pain, aspirin or Tylenol usually do not interfere with homeopathic remedies.
  5. Immunizations: Immunizations sometimes interrupt the homeopathic healing process in certain individuals. Whether you take them or not is your personal choice, however you may want to discuss each specific immunization and your particular circumstances with your homeopath.
  6. Dental work: Dental drilling and the use of novocaine may disturb the effects of homeopathic remedies. It is preferable, if possible, to wait at least three or four months after taking a remedy to have dental work done, which gives your vital force more time to be strengthened by homeopathy. In the case of emergency dental work, have it done and call your homeopath afterwards. In many cases, homeopathic remedies will relieve dental pain until you have a chance to visit your dentist.
  7. Drugs: Avoid all recreational drugs including marijuana, cocaine, LSD, barbituates, and amphetamines. Alcohol in moderation is not a problem.
  8. Other homeopathic remedies: Do not use Bach Flower remedies, cell salts, or other homeopathic remedies without discussing them with your homeopath first.
  9. Herbs: Check with your homeopath before using herbs for specific medicinal purposes. Herb teas for beverage use, when varied from day to day, are fine, as are culinary herbs. Chinese herbs may antidote remedies in some cases. If you've been given Natrum muriaticum, you will be advised to avoid peppermint in all forms, including tea. There may be other specific substances that your homeopath will ask you to avoid when taking a particular remedy.
  10. Vitamins: Let your homeopath know which vitamins you are taking. Using a particular vitamin to eliminate a particular symptom may make it difficult for your homeopath to evaluate your symptoms. Multivitamins and minerals usually do not disturb homeopathic treatment.
  11. Beauty treatments: Permanent waves often interfere with remedies because of the harsh and aromatic chemicals. Electrolysis and aromatic facial and skin products and treatments are usually not compatible with homeopathy.
  12. Other therapies: Acupuncture and therapeutic ultrasound have been known to disturb homeopathic treatment. Please discuss this with your practitioner.
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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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