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 Integrative Medicine: Effective Natural Treatment for Infertility  

What About The Guys?
Research suggests that sperm counts are dropping throughout the industrialized world. There is a good possibility this is coming from chemicals, especially pesticides, which mimic estrogen effects in the body. In many countries this is becoming an area of major concern. Avoiding chemicals or other toxins is helpful.

I would note there has been over a 50% decrease in sperm counts in the last over 50 years. Interestingly studies show that organic farmers have had increasing sperm counts, as opposed to farmers who use chemicals (who have had a large drop in sperm counts). Using meat from cows that have not been raised and fattened using estrogen (such as meat which is available at Whole Foods Market) is important in any man whose wife is having trouble getting pregnant. Melatonin, verapamil and nifedipine (common heart and blood pressure medicines), or excess alcohol can also cause reversible infertility in males.

There are several things a man can do to markedly improve his sperm count and motility:

  1. Although in females high dose vitamin C can cause infertility, increasing vitamin C to at least 500 to 1,000 mg a day in males has a marked effect on increasing sperm count and motility. The vitamin C also protects the sperm from genetic damage which can cause inherited diseases or cancer in the child. Taking 500 mg twice a day, for example, can cure infertility in 20% of infertile males.
  2. Astragalus--an herbal remedy, can increase sperm motility by about 50%.
  3. Research has shown that high doses of intramuscular vitamin B12 (which are very safe) can increase sperm count in 50% of males with low counts. The dose used in the study was quite high at 1,500 to 6,000 mcg intramuscularly daily. Although the tablets might be helpful, one would only absorb a tiny fraction of the B12 taken by mouth and the treatment needs to be given by injection.
  4. Coenzyme Q10 200 mg/day(use only the Vitaline form-many others are poor quality) can be very helpful.
  5. L-arginine Aspartate 9 gm a day for low sperm motility or 4 gram a day for low sperm counts can be helpful.
  6. Ginkgo Biloba--another herbal remedy taken 120 mg twice a day can help with erectile dysfunction. This takes about 6 to 12 weeks to start working.
  7. Acetyl-L-carnitine 1.5 -3 gram (1500-3000 mg) a day for 4 months can also increase sperm motility.
  8. Selenium 200 mcg a day (not more than this as higher doses can be toxic). Taking the Energy Revitalization System multivitamin is a good idea for the man as well as the woman and will supply the 200 mcg of selenium (and 49 other key
  9. Vitamin E 400 IU a day (not more) can also increase male infertility.
  10. 50 mg of zinc a day for four months is also helpful.

What Are The Risks Of These Treatments?
Although even natural remedies sometimes have side effects, they are usually safe. Too much iron can be toxic and I prefer to check the iron levels (as noted above) before treating with iron. The risk of taking iron for only three to four months (in the absence of a genetic iron excess disease), however, is low. The main side effect of taking high-dose zinc intake for short periods is nausea.

So Do You Think I Should Go For It?
If you want to get pregnant I certainly would go for it! When you get pregnant, I invite you to read my article on having a healthy pregnancy-naturally!

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 About The Author
Jacob Teitelbaum MDJacob Teitelbaum MD is author of the popular free iPhone application "Cures A-Z" and author of the best-selling book From Fatigued to Fantastic! (3rd revised edition, Avery/Penguin Group) and Pain Free 1-2-3-A......more
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