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 Health Collections: Fibromyalgia 
Micaela Sullivan-Fowler ©

Treatment of "resistant" fibromyalgia.
Wilke WS
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio, USA.
Rheum Dis Clin North Am 1995 Feb;21(1):247-60
Long-term outcome for the majority of patients with fibromyalgia is sufficiently disappointing so that most patients can be considered to have "resistant" disease. Among published treatments, education, active exercise, and nighttime antidepressant medications perform best. Patients eligible for treatment include those with primarily regional symptoms, wide-spread pain without 11 or fewer tender points, or "typical patients" as defined by the American College of Rheumatology criteria. Factors important in the process of prognosis of the syndrome should be identified and addressed in an integrated therapeutic program in order to positively influence outcome.

Controlled trials of therapy in fibromyalgia syndrome.
Simms RW
Boston University School of Medicine, MA 02118.
Baillieres Clin Rheumatol 1994 Nov;8(4):917-34
Many different interventions have been studied in the therapy of fibromyalgia syndrome (Tables 1 and 2). While most have been effective, in general these trials have been short term. Furthermore, important or substantial improvement, when it has been assessed, occurs in only small proportions of patients. Long-term, comparative trials of both efficacy and toxicity are necessary. Trials such as these require large numbers of patients (compared with placebo-controlled trials, which are generally impractical in long-duration trials due to the large numbers of dropouts in the placebo arm) and therefore are expensive and difficult to accomplish. Two other approaches offer potential solutions to the problem of adequate long-term comparative trials: (a) N-of-1 trials and (b) meta-analysis. N-of-1 trials have the advantage of random assignment, double-blinding and multiple potential comparisons in the same patient. Meta-analysis involves combining the results of studies, which individually may have conflicting results and lack adequate statistical power, to reach an overall result with sufficient statistical power to make meaningful conclusions, especially with respect to comparative efficacy. Peluso and colleagues (1993) have performed a recent meta-analysis of available therapies in fibromyalgia syndrome and found that the effect-size (a standardized measure of the efficacy of a given therapy) of several non-medication therapies such as electroacupuncture exceeded that of traditional medication therapies. Unfortunately, lack of uniformity in the use of outcome measures across included trials and the small numbers of comparable non-medication trials makes definitive conclusions regarding relative efficacy of therapies difficult. Nevertheless, application of meta-analytic methods such as these should facilitate future comparisons of different interventions. Ideally, future clinical trials in fibromyalgia syndrome should employ the same outcome measures to permit application of these methods. Few trials have assessed improvement in functional status. Functional status measures such as the HAQ (Fries et al., 1980), the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (Burckhardt et al, 1991) or similar instruments should be employed in future studies of therapy in fibromyalgia. Given that individual modalities appear to confer relatively modest benefit on average. Combination approaches are reasonable, although randomized, blinded trials to assess these approaches are methodologically complex. Several preliminary studies which have addressed this approach appear promising (see Chapter 12; Goldenberg et al, 1993). Finally, no studies have yet assessed the comparative cost-efficacy of available treatments. Controlled trials which address the cost-efficacy of commonly employed, but unproven treatments such as physiotherapy chiropractic manipulation and injection techniques are urgently needed.

Physical medicine and rehabilitation approaches to the management of myofascial pain and fibromyalgia syndromes.
Rosen NB
Rehabilitation and Pain Management Associates, Baltimore, MD 21204.
Baillieres Clin Rheumatol 1994 Nov;8(4):881-916
In summary, we have presented the physical medicine and rehabilitation medicine approaches for treating patients with fibromyalgia and the myofascial pain syndromes. The importance of approaching these patients from a holistic and multidisciplinary standpoint has been stressed, paying attention to the physical, emotional, spiritual and behavioural components of the presentation. Although fibromyalgia and the myofascial pain syndromes are two distinct conditions, they often overlap, and when they do the myofascial component should be treated first. However, the clinician should remember that pain, tissue dysfunction and disability from pain are all separate issues and should be treated as such. Treatment in all cases should be individualized and comprehensive. It is imperative to make the patient an active participant in his care and to establish mutually agreed upon goals at the outset of treatment. It is important to establish an adequate and appropriate home exercise programme to supplement formal treatment. A good home exercise programme should stress both stretching and strengthening. Formal treatment programmes should not be geared to pain relief alone but rather to restoration of function, and return to functioning lifestyles. The clinician has available a wide array of modalities and tools to control pain, but the major goal of all treatment programmes is to restore individuals to functional lifestyles and to promote both physical and emotional flexibility, balance and 'wellness'. It is often necessary to involve the family unit as an inherent and critical part of the treatment team, particularly with the patient who continues to be dysfunctional despite apparently appropriate treatment. Although treatment always starts at the tissue level, a good treatment programme must always be holistic in nature and treat the tissues, the patient as a whole, and his or her environmental stressors and contingencies as well.

[Autogenic training versus Erickson's analogical technique in treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome]
Rucco V; Feruglio C; Genco F; Mosanghini R
Servizio di Terapia Fisica, Ospedale di Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione, Udine.
Riv Eur Sci Med Farmacol 1995 Jan-Feb;17(1):41-50
The AA have conducted a controlled trial to determine the efficacy of two verbal techniques for muscular relaxation on 53 patients with fibromyalgia. The subjects were assigned at random to a autogenous training group (27 patients) or a analogic Erickson's techniques group (26 patients). The autogenous training showed the presence of various limits: (1) application limits (in which notable difficulties had to be faced to train the patients with fibromyalgia to practice the Autogenous training due to the revelation of "intrusive thoughts" or "abreactions", or because of the incapacity of the patients to practice the exercises at home without hearing the instructions of a therapist); (2) limits of efficacy (the state of optimum training needed many therapeutic sittings in order to be achieved and the improvements regarded nighttime sleep and morning rigidity, however, these improvements were less than those obtained with the analogic Erickson's techniques). The Erickson's techniques have showed, instead, many advantages: numerous patients continued the treatment until it was finished; only a small number of therapeutic sittings were necessary. There was an improvement of all the parameters examined, superior compared to the results obtained in the group of patients treated with autogenous training.

A randomized, controlled clinical trial of education and physical training for women with fibromyalgia.
Burckhardt CS; Mannerkorpi K; Hedenberg L; Bjelle A
Department of Rheumatology, Sahlgren University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden.
J Rheumatol 1994 Apr;21(4):714-20
To determine the effectiveness of self-management education and physical training in decreasing fibromyalgia (FMS) symptoms and increasing physical and psychological well being.
A pretest-posttest control group design was used. Ninety-nine women with FMS were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups; 86 completed the study. The education only group received a 6-week self-management course. The education plus physical training group received the course and 6 h of training designed to assist them to exercise independently. The control group got treatment after 3 months.
The experimental programs had a significant positive impact on quality of life and self-efficacy. Helplessness, number of days feeling bad, physical dysfunction, and pain in the tender points decreased significantly in one or both of the treated groups when retested 6 weeks after the end of the program. Longterm followup of 67 treated subjects showed significant positive changes on the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire primarily in the physical training group. Among all subjects, 87% were exercising at least 3 times/week for 20 min or more; 46% said they had increased their exercise level since participating in the program; 70% were practicing relaxation strategies as needed; 46% were working at least half time as opposed to 37% at pretest.
Self-efficacy of the treated groups was enhanced significantly by the program. Other changes were smaller and more delayed than had been expected. Recommendations for future trials include a longer education program, more vigorous physical training, and longterm followup.

10) TITLE:
Treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome with Super Malic: a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, crossover pilot study.
Russell IJ; Michalek JE; Flechas JD; Abraham GE
Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio 78284-7874, USA.
J Rheumatol 1995 May;22(5):953-8
To study the efficacy and safety of Super Malic, a proprietary tablet containing malic acid (200 mg) and magnesium (50 mg), in treatment of primary fibromyalgia syndrome (FM).
METHODS Twenty-four sequential patients with primary FM were randomized to a fixed dose (3 tablets bid), placebo controlled, 4-week/course, pilot trial followed by a 6-month, open label, dose escalation (up to 6 tablets bid) trial. A 2-week, medication free, washout period was required before receiving treatment, between blinded courses, and again before starting open label treatment. The 3 primary outcome variables were measures of pain and tenderness but functional and psychological measures were also assessed.
RESULTS. No clear treatment effect attributable to Super Malic was een in the blinded, fixed low dose trial. With dose escalation and a longer duration of treatment in the open label trial, significant reductions in the severity of all 3 primary pain/tenderness measures were obtained without limiting risks.
These data suggest that Super Malic is safe and may be beneficial in the treatment of patients with FM. Future placebo-controlled studies should utilize up to 6 tablets of Super Malic bid and continue therapy for at least 2 months.
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