Does anyone know what the ego is? Whatever is said about the ego becomes food for itself. The ego is self-justifying to the bitter end. The problems of the ego persist.
The ego is a concept, and yet it is real. While it is real, we cannot find it anywhere. It is like quicksand; no matter what we do or which way we move, we sink deeper. If we do nothing, we'll also sink deeper. Nothing can be said to change this.
We must do something, and yet there is nothing we can do, but still we cannot give up.
Live with this, and see what happens. In living with this, try to find the ego, try to see it, face to face. Don't try to know something about it, try to find it. But know that whatever you find, behind that is more ego, feeling proud and taking credit for having found something. Be especially careful of discovering egolessness, because that is ego in drag. Continue to struggle, don't give up, and know there is nothing you can do. Whatever you find, know that the ego has found it. Whatever is not found, the ego has not found it.
Be careful also when you hear that one perfectly exquisite and definitive explanation and remedy. The ego says it, the ego hears it, the ego knows it. The ego smiles in self-satisfaction.
Don't give up. If you do, it is the ego that gives up. If you don't, it is the ego that doesn't. Just try to see it, face to face. Be committed to this, even though it is the ego's commitment. Try with all your might to find it. Give every bit of your strength to find it.
Meditate, turn within, sit in silence. Continue in this way to find it, to see it. Inquire, examine, go deep. Try to locate it.
One day the ego will not be a problem, but "you" won't ever know it.