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 Training & Fitness Programs: Fit Or Fat?  

To ensure productive training, each repetition is performed in six seconds - two seconds for the lifting and four seconds for the lowering movement. This technique reduces the role of momentum and makes the important negative muscle contraction more demanding. The goal is to make every repetition count, so that one properly performed set of exercise provides sufficient stimulus for muscle development.

Our experience indicates that this basic program of strength and endurance exercise is a safe and effective means of improving physical fitness and body composition in men and women of all ages. It is also a time-efficient approach to training, requiring only 50 minutes of exercise two or three times per week. Perhaps more significant in our sedentary society, it is a program that produces particularly good results for overweight people with various percentages of body fat. Getting back to basic exercise may be the key for adults for those who want to attain, and maintain a desirable bodyweight and body composition.

Table 2

Bodyweight and body composition data for male exercisers, categorized by initial percent body fat (N = 383).

Percent Fat Intial Reading Body Wt. Pre (lb.) Body Wt. Post (lb.) Body Wt. Change (lb.) Percent Fat Pre (%) Percent Fat Post (%) Percent Fat Change (%) Fat Wt. Pre (lb.) Fat Wt. Post (lb.) Fat Wt. Change (lb.) Lean Wt. Pre (lb.) Lean Wt. Post (lb.) Lean Wt. Change (lb.)

Under 15% (n=51) 169.9 168.8 -0.8 12.8 11.7 -1.1* 21.9 19.9 -2.0* 147.7 148.9 +1.2
15-19% (n=139) 190.4 188.6 -1.8* 17.7 15.7 -2.0* 33.8 29.7 -4.1* 156.6 158.9 +2.3*
20-24% (n=109) 211.0 208.3 -2.7* 22.3 119.5 -2.8* 47.1 40.7 -6.4 163.9 167.5 +3.6*
25-29% (n=53) 227.1 222.7 -4.4* 26.8 22.9 -3.9* 60.9 51.1 -9.8* 166.2 171.6 +5.4*
30% Plus (n=31) 247.9 240.9 -7.0* 36.0 29.7 -6.3* 91.2 72.5 -18.7* 156.7 168.4 +11.7*
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 About The Author
Wayne Westcott PhDWayne L. Westcott, Ph.D., is fitness research director at the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, MA. He is strength training consultant for numerous national organizations, such as the American Council on Exercise, the......more
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