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from 132,000 to 210,000
from 210,000 to 440,000

 Guided Imagery: Guided Imagery for Home Care 

As you imagine this, notice especially the feelings of caring and love that you feel inside . . . notice where you feel these feelings in your body . . . where do they seem centered or most concentrated? . . . as you notice this center of feeling, let the feelings grow and become stronger . . . you may want to imagine you have a dial or control that can turn up the volume on these feelings just like you turn up the volume on the television set or radio . . . turn them up and let the feelings amplify and grow stronger and more noticeable . . . let them expand and fill your body . . . .

Notice what it is like to imagine radiating these feelings toward the one you are caring for . . . simply imagine that you can radiate or send this energy to the one you are caring for . . . notice how they respond as they feel touched by this caring quality . . . in your imagination, you may notice responses that you cannot see in outer life . . . just notice how it seems to effect them . . .

Now notice what it is like for you to radiate this energy or feeling to them . . . what does that feel like in your body? . . . where is the source of energy? . . . is it inside you, or does it come from somewhere else? . . . just notice . . . does it seem to take anything from you as you do it? . . . is there anything you need more of in order to manifest more of this quality in your life, or your caregiving? . . . and where might you get more of what you need? . . . .

Now allow those images to fade . . . and imagine that YOU are the recipient of this loving, healing energy . . . imagine that it is being radiated toward you from a gentle, yet powerful source . . . an inexhaustible force that radiates love, care, and healing in its very nature . . . simply allow yourself to relax and receive this energy . . . accept it into yourself and bathe in its loving, caring healing glow . . . allow it to fill the entire space of your body . . . touching every cell in your body from the outermost cells of your skin to the deepest cells of your bone marrow . . . and imagine that it overflows you body and fills the space around you for several feet in every direction . . . and there is nothing to do . . . nowhere to go right now . . . no effort needed . . . just relaxing and bathing in this nourishing, loving, healing energy . . . enjoy that and let it permeate your body and soul for as long as you like . . . When you are ready to return to the outer world, simply allow all the images to fade, but bring back with you any good feelings you have experienced . . . you may find that when you return to the outer worlds, you will feel more relaxed, refreshed, and renewed . . . and can bring back with you the feelings you have experienced in this brief inner journey . . . remember that you can come to this place and connect with this healing energy any time you like by repeating this process . . . now when you are ready, take your time, and gently let yourself become aware of the room you are in, the things around you, the time and place in your outer world, and gently return to waking consciousness, bringing back with you a feeling of renewal and refreshment that can help sustain you and the ones you care for.

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 About The Author
Martin Rossman MDPhysician, author, speaker, researcher, and consultant, Dr. Rossman founded The Healing Mind in order to raise awareness about the power of high quality mind/body......more
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