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 Naturopathic Medicine: Handling the Holidays Healthfully 

Here are some simple things to do to renew yourself on a mental, emotional and spiritual level:
(1) Pace yourself. At the beginning of each week, look over your schedule and eliminate anything to which you are not really committed. Take care of yourself by not over-extending your time and energy. Limit your commitments. Be willing to say no.
(2) Take "quiet time" daily. Plan at least 20 minutes each day for time for yourself. Make this a time of quiet meditation, without interruption or anything to do.
(3) Think about love. Who do you love, how do you express it and how could you express it even more on a non-material basis? How about writing a few love notes?
(4) Give of yourself. Give a smile to someone you don't know, someone in need of your love and support. Give a little change every time you pass the Salvation Army bell-ringer on the street corner. Give a listen to someone in pain. Share your love.
(4) Tonight when you go home, take a few minutes to think about this holiday season. What is it that you want to get out of it? What do you want to give to others? Get really clear about how you will accomplish making this the most love-filled, healthy and happy holiday season ever!.....

Dr. Sally LaMont practices in Marin County, California and can be reached at (415) 267-7679

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 About The Author
Sally LaMont NDDr. Sally Blake LaMont is a naturopathic doctor, acupuncturist, and educator who has devoted the last twenty-seven years to practicing and teaching the principles of healthy living. She blends the science of......more
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