If your child suffers from migraine headaches, keep a diary that records the circumstances surrounding each attack, such as foods recently eaten, exposure to possible environmental allergens, activities, emotional factors, physical environment, etc. Try to be as observant as possible. Notice the obviously unhealthy things, such as cigarette smoke or car exhaust, but don't overlook things that seem harmless or even pleasant, such as perfumes or the smell of new fabrics. Once you do this, a pattern may emerge pointing to certain factors that could be triggering your child's headaches. You can then make appropriate alterations in your child's diet or lifestyle.
Acupuncture and biofeedback have both been used to good effect against chronic headaches, whether from migraine or tension. If frequent headaches are making your child miserable, it may be worthwhile to consult a qualified acupuncturist or a practitioner skilled in biofeedback techniques.
From Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child by Janet Zand, N.D., L.Ac., Robert Rountree, MD, Rachel Walton, RN, ©1994. Published by Avery Publishing, New York. For personal use only; neither the digital nor printed copy may be copied or sold. Reproduced by permission.