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 Women's Health: Healing Fibroids Naturally 

Symptoms Always Carry a Bigger Message
There are many treatments available for fibroids, including drugs, surgery, and the newer high-tech ultrasound treatment known as ExAblate. Regardless of which one(s) you choose, it's important to understand that fibroids, like all conditions, don't just jump out of the closet and land on you (or your uterus). They're a signal from your inner wisdom that something in your life needs to be addressed. This doesn't mean that you need to obsess or make a career out of them, but it does mean that you'll be happier and healthier if you regard them as messengers and then heed the message. (It might be as simple as losing ten pounds!)

Fibroids often represent creativity that hasn't been birthed yet, or creativity (such as a job or relationship) that's being directed down a dead-end path. I've written about this extensively in both Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause. Addressing the lifestyle and mind/body factors that favor fibroid growth in the first place will also help prevent recurrence. And if you eventually need a medical procedure for your fibroids, your health will have improved greatly and you'll heal much faster.

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Provided from the September/October 2005 Issue of The Dr. Christiane Northrup Newsletter with Permission from Hay House, Inc., pg. 6.

(Excerpted from Dr. Christiane Northrup Newsletter)
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 About The Author
Christiane Northrup MDChristiane Northrup, M.D., a visionary pioneer in her field, is a board-certified OB/GYN physician who helps empower women to tune in to their inner wisdom and take charge of their health. She is the author of the......more
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