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 Homeopathy: Healing Otitis Media Through Homeopathy 

Case 2. M.L. was l5 months old when his mother brought him to see us. He was a somewhat shy, but very curious, child with brown hair, blue eyes, and a rather slight build. He had had otitis four or five times since six months of age when he first started teething and had been treated each time with antibiotics without significant improvement. His otitis would begin with a stuffy nose, then he would become fussy and develop a low-grade fever (l00F) There would be some clear nasal discharge. M. had been breastfed since birth and was never given much milk or cheese. He drooled with teeth and became quite cranky. He wanted to be held or carried, the latter of which was the only thing which would stop his fussiness. He always got a very hot, sweaty head while teething. He was also at the 25th percentile in height and weight. He had had no severe reactions to his immunizations. He suffered from severe colic as a baby, at which time he would draw his knees up to his chest. He had been treated with antibiotics for roseola the week before we saw him, from which he developed abdominal pain. He was treated with anti- biotics for an infected umbilicus at five days. He was generally a restless sleeper and was

quite stubborn. He had strong desires for salty, starchy, cheese, and eggs. His parents were having serious marital problems at time of the first visit. On otoscopic examination, both ear canals were erythematous. No bulging or exudate were observed.

Case 3. D.S. was brought in recently at one year of age. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and was rather petite. For the past five months, he suffered from constant otitis media of the right ear. Three months after the otitis began, he developed a violent gagging cough and was treated with Ventolin. He had received antibiotics repeatedly since then. He was still nursing and had been given no food other than breast milk until six months of age. He had been given some yogurt,

but no other dairy products. He pulled on his ears constantly, stuck his fingers in his ears, bored his finger into his nose, screamed and arched his body back three to four times weekly. His mother lamented that he'd be as stiff as a board. He would have a thick, sticky, green nasal discharge with the otitis, a loose, rattling cough, and he would whine with the pain. Nothing would comfort him. He would thrash even in his mother's arms. He teethed for the first time three months after the first episode of otitis. He was slightly below 50% in height and weight, might have experienced a mild case of rubella, and had received no immunizations. He was uncircumcized. He would wake frequently two to three times a night crying. He slept on his abdomen, got along well with other children, could be clingy, and was standoffish with strangers for the first few minutes. He was generally easy going and happy. He was very thirsty. Examination of D.'s ears showed considerable scar tissue on both tympanic membranes, particularly in the right ear.

Now study these cases and read on for the case analysis:

Case l. L.R. was initially given a dose of Calcarea carbonica lM because of his recurrent otitis media, fair appearance, delayed dentition, stubborness, and independent nature. There was no response. A month later he was given one dose of Silica 200c because of the green nasal dis- charge, recurrent otitis, somewhat delicate build, and slight tendency to constipation. Three months later the mother wrote to report he had no ear problems again after the Silica, even after reintroducing dairy products into his diet. A month later we treated him for an acute cold with Pulsatilla 30c for three days, but he still had no ear problems. We called the mother again just before writing this article. She said she was "thrilled with his success". It has been seven months since the Silica and he's doing great. She treated him once more for two days with Pulsatilla 30c for a cold, again with no ear sequelae. He's not needed any more of the Silica.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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