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 Homeopathy: Healing With Homeopathy - A Case of Febrile Seizures 

In addition, Sammie's chief complaint of febrile seizures is well covered by Cina. Cina is a convulsive remedy and is also useful in cases of seizures during teething, after coughing and from infestation with worms. The convulsions are often at night and accompanied by jerking of the body and shrieking.

In this case, the combination of Sammie's difficult disposition, his tendency to coughs and febrile seizures, his screaming and stiffening during sleep, and his boring in the ears led to a prescription of Cina.

There are many other remedies which should be considered differentially for febrile seizures in children. The most common ones are Stramonium, Cicuta, and Belladonna. Here are some indications for each:

Stramonium- a major remedy for febrile seizures. The whole picture of Stramonium is one of violence, strong fears and convulsions. Stramonium children can be very destructive, violent or aggressive. Sometimes they are timid with a strong fear of violence. Fears of death, the dark, water, shining objects and monsters are prominent. They have night terrors with a wild look in the eye. They may scream. They often stutter violently and frequently have facial grimaces and twitches. They may have convulsions of isolated muscle groups, such as just the upper extremities. They can be delirious with a fever. They want light and company, which makes them feel better.

Cicuta- dramatic seizures in which the whole body is arched and the head drawn extremely back ("opisthotonos", listed under the "Back" section in Kent's Repertory ) The seizures can be quite violent and often occur after a head injury. The child may be delirious and sing, dance, make funny gestures and act silly. It is an important remedy for seizures which accompany cerebrospinal meningitis, which typically has a high fever. The pupils are dilated. There may be a hemorrhage from the ears. The children often have a red face and grind their teeth. They are worse from touch, drafts and tobacco smoke. Cicuta children often eat chalk, charcoal, and other indigestible things.

Belladonna- a very common remedy for high fevers which come on quickly and violently. There is a great sensitivity to light, to noise and to jar, and better from lying quitely in the dark. The child's face is red and hot. There can be violent delirium with hallucinations during a high fever.

Belladonna children tend to be worse from the sun and heat, but thirstless. They often get severe, throbbing headaches with the fever, often on the right side. There is commonly a severe, right-sided sore throat or ear ache. They can get generalized grand mal seizures or local seizures of the right side of the face.

These are a few of the more dramatic remedies that could be given for febrile seizures. Others include Opium, Hyoscyamus and Nux Vomica. Always remember to individualize the patient's symptoms in order to choose a remedy. The remedy that matches the symptoms that are most unusual or peculiar in the case is the one most likely to work.

Dr. Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Dr. Robert Ullman are licensed naturopathic physicians and are board certified in homeopathy. They are President and Vice President of the International Foundation for Homeopathy where they teach homeopathy to licensed health care professionals. They practice in Edmonds, WA at 131 3rd Ave., N., Edmonds, WA 98020 and can be reached at (206) 774-5599. Their new book, The Patient's Guide to Homeopathic Medicine, is now available.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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