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 Herbal Medicine: Herbs for Psychological Imbalances 
Herbs and other natural remedies are increasingly called upon as important additions to a total program to help restore emotional and psychological equilibrium in people who have problems in these areas. The following information is meant to offer a starting point for designing herbal support programs.

Key concepts:
  • The liver rules the emotions, addictive behavoir--liver vital energy stagnation, liver cleansing
  • The heart is a key organ for psychological imbalances and sleep disorders

Depression: mild to moderate long-term, chronic depression, sleep disturbances

Herbs: St. John's wort (t 1 d 3-4 x daily); Rosemary or + lavender tops (t or tea m dose); for sleep, valerian + cal. poppy + kava (t 2-4 d before bed)

Anxiety: recurring anxiety or mild panic attacks, hyperventilation, sleep disturbances

Herbs: California poppy (t 1-2 d 3-4 x daily with other calming herbs)

Excessive emotions
Anger: excessive anger can damage the digestion and heart, and lead to heat conditons in the body

Herbs: liver herbs (dandelion, artichoke leaf, bitter tonic), liver flush (see Natural Liver Therapy)

Sadness and grief: excessive sadness can damage the lungs, predisposing to chronic cough, lung infections, wheezing, asthma and other lung disorders

Herbs: lung strengthening herbs, mullein (tea, sd), osha (t 1 d 3 x daily), elecampagne (tea 1/2-1 cup 2-3 x daily)

Other suggestions: it is important to embrace the grieving process when possible to complete the energy; grieving groups meet at many local hospitals on a weekly basis; a local Hospice is also a good resource

Fear: excessive fear can weaken the kidneys and our foundational vital energy

Herbs: eleuthero ginseng (tea or t, sd), adaptogen formulas, deep breathing, rehmannia (add to eleuthero)

Sugar cravings: consumption of refined sugar can damage the digestion and lead to mood swings, skin problems, tooth and gum problems and decreased energy

Drug addictions: it is best to work with chronic drug and alcohol abuse by eliminating all forms of sugar from the diet and eating a whole foods, mostly cooked diet

Herbs: liver cleansing, cooling herbs (see Natural Liver Therapy)

Signs and Symptoms
Key signs and symptoms of
  • Liver vital energy stagnation: headache, red tongue, thin yellow coat, red eyes, irritability, disturbed sleep, wiry pulse
  • Heart (spirit) disturbance: disturbed sleep, emotional imbalances, palpitations, shortness of breath, depression, anxiety

Materia Medica
Therapeutic Categories of Herbs to Treat Psychologica/Emotional Ailments



Digestives: Assimilation/Elimination Tonics

Energy tonics

Heart tonics



St. John's wort: modern German research shows that it is as effective as pharmaceutical anti-depressives for mild depression; mild MAO inhibitor; latest research shows that a whole-plant extract works better than a "standardized extract"; caution--avoid prolonged sun exposure while taking this herb

Rosemary: contains natural camphor, used as a nerve restorative in Ayurveda, use as a tea or tincture

Lavender: the flowering spikes make an uplifting tea or take as a tincture; smell often, carry a spike in the pocket (squeeze and smell), essential oil or use in baths and soaps

Chocolate (unsweetened): use only unsweetened powder, blend with plain rice milk or almond milk for a mild euphoric and energy tonic; tropical monoculturing is an issue, but organic plantation, sustainable products are becoming available

Other natural therapies: movement, dancing, walking, running, something highly aerobic for 15-20 minutes at least every other day, health permitting


California Poppy: well-researched traditional Native American remedy for mild anxiety, nervousness, restlessness--use as a tincture (sd, or as needed)

Kava kava: the national drink of Fiji--use as a tea or tincture; mildly euphoric, relaxing, non-narcotic or habit-forming


Valerian: the best sleep-promoting herb and central nervous system relaxant and calmative herb (see my book, Valerian--The Relaxing and Sleep Herb) for more details

Passion Flower: good herb for people with over-active imaginations, calms mind and thoughts, worry; use as a tincture (the fresher the better) sd

Vital Energy tonics

Ginseng: the most famous panacea herb; red ginsengs are more stimulating, white Chinese and Asian types, less so, and white American (preferably woods-grown) is nourishing to the vital essence and supportive to one's energy; caution--don't overuse if under 40 years of age

Rosemary: contains natural camphor, mild energy stimulant

Chocolate (unsweetened): mild energy stimulant, see above

Heart tonics

Hawthorn: calmative, relaxant, strengthens heartbeat, benefits heart strength, good for palpitations; use as a tincture or standardized extract

Cactus: available as a tincture only, 25-35 drops 2-3 x daily; best if mixed with hawthorn; steadies, strengthens heartbeat

Hops: good for people who have an abnormal awareness of the heartbeat, calmative, digestive stimulant; take as a tea or tincture

Choose a diet based on individual constitutional type and needs.

For anxiety, depression or other excessive emotional times, it is best to avoid refined sugar (including fruit juice, dried fruit), coffee, alcohol and other stimulants.

Try kitcharee (soupy mung beans and rice 3-4 times daily) for 3-7 days to calm the emotions and regulate body systems.

A whole foods diet, mostly cooked, with some fish and chicken, depending on constitutional type is best.

sd = standard dose

tea: use 1 teaspoon/cup of water, simmer for 10 minutes on low heat, remove, strain and drink 1 cup 3 x daily between meals

tincture: 1-3 dropperfuls of single herb or formula with herb as a leading component 3 x daily, between meals

capsules: 2-3 capsules ("00") 3 x daily with meals

t = tincture

d=dropperful (not drop--about 40 drops)
Herbs for Psychological/Emotional Imbalances C. Hobbs 4
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 About The Author
Christopher Hobbs LAc, AHG Christopher Hobbs is a fourth generation herbalist and botanist with over 30 years experience with herbs. Founder of Native Herb Custom Extracts (now Rainbow Light Custom Extracts) and the Institute for Natural Products......more
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