| Homeopathy: Homeopathic Training Programs | |
(From West to East coast)
Note: With the exception of the naturopathic medical schools which provide full-time instruction, all other training programs are primarily 2 to 4 days per month of instruction. In addition to course hours, students are usually expected to study from 1 to 3 hours a day.
Hahnemann Medical Clinic
828 San Pablo
Albany, CA. 94706 (510) 524-3117
An excellent high-level three-year training in classical homeopathy led by leading homeopaths. This program is open only to licensed professionals.
Pacific Academy of Homeopathic Medicine
1678 Shattuck #42
Berkeley, CA. 94709 (510) 389-8065.
A three-year program is open to both laypeople and professionals.
Academy for Classical Homeopathy
7549 Louise Avenue
Van Nuys, CA. 91406 (818) 776-8040
Dr. Linda Johnston, a physician and homeopath, offers a one-year training program to licensed health professionals only. Training available in Dallas, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, and select other cities.
British Institute of Homoeopathy
520 Washington Blvd, #423
Marina del Rey, CA. 92092 (310) 306-5408.
A three-year course is offered to either health professionals or laypeople.
International College of Homeopathy and Bio-Dynamic Studies
8306 Wilshire Blvd. #728
Beverly Hills, CA. 90211 (213) 734-4798
A 400-hour course plus 200 hours of clinical instruction (in India) over a 32 month period is offered. Only licensed health care professionals are admitted. Affiliated with New York Chiropractic College (continuing education credit for chiropractors is provided).
Training in Clinical Homeopathy
556 Ocean View Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA. 95062 (408) 425-1422
Respected homeopath and author Ananda Zaren teaches five three-day weekend seminars over a one-year period. One course is in Santa Barbara and the other is in Boston.
Institute of Classical Homeopathy
2325 Third St., Ste 426
San Francisco, CA 94107; (707) 415-551-1020
Offers three classical training programs: A four year professional course which includes two years of clinical experience in our free community clinic; a one-year course in acute and emergency treatment for health care professionals; and an online course. On campus classes are one weekend per month plus Thursday evening tutorials.
International Foundation for Homeopathy
2366 Eastlake Ave. E. #301
Seattle, WA. 98102 (206) 324-8230
A three-year training program is provided for licensed professionals only.
Hahnemann Academy of North America
PO Box 358
Pagosa Springs, CO. 81147 (303) 264-2460.
Well-known homeopath/naturopath Robin Murphy, N.D. offers training programs.
Colorado Institute for Classical Homeopathy
2299 Pearl Street, # 401
Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 440-3717
(303) 440-6526 FAX
Two year training program with monthly weekend sessions. Classrooms are located in spectacular Boulder, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains.
(Excerpted from The Consumer's Guide to Homeopathy ISBN: 0874778131)
 | DANA ULLMAN, MPH, is one of America's leading advocates for homeopathy. He has authored 10 books, including ...more |
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