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 Integrative Dentistry: Homeopathy in Dentistry 

Sometimes, upon successful treatment of symptoms of the disease, another set of symptoms appears. This is not unusual during homeopathic treatment. Symptoms are the body's methods of protection; they warn that an imbalance exists. Some of the symptoms are really the body's means of restoring harmony. For example, bad breath is a sign that either decay, gum disease, or digestive problems are present. If you choose the appropriate therapy for the bad breath and resolve the problem, you may begin to have symptoms relating to either the digestive system or the teeth, depending on the cause of the bad breath. Sensitive teeth may indicate excessive wear of the enamel due to grinding or clenching of the teeth. This habit may be the result of stress or other factors that should be addressed. If the sensitivity is treated, you may begin to experience other symptoms related to the original cause of the problem. These symptoms may be emotional or physical. Once one set of obvious symptoms related to a disease is treated, a deeper level of symptoms appears, until all underlying causes are addressed. Ultimately, the immune system, which is the body's defense mechanism, must be made strong enough to handle any harmful external attack, whether emotional or physical.

Homeopathic Preparations
Homeopathic agents used in treatment and listed in the following table may be purchased from health-food stores. Some homeopathic agents are sold by the name of the illness-"Flu," "PMS," "Asthma," "Cough," "Allergies," etc. These homeopathics have more than one therapeutic agent in them. Other preparations offer single therapies. Due to the manner in which homeopathics work, the single therapy may be the choice, initially. Once you understand how you respond to a particular substance, you can read the labels of the compounded therapies, and choose one of them.

You should have a copy of the Materia Medica on hand (available at some health-food stores). Look up the various therapies listed, and determine which may be best for you, by considering the symptoms that the particular substance treats. It is important to note that mint and coffee may decrease the effectiveness of homeopathic substances.

Consult with your physician before giving homeopathics to children, or before taking them during pregnancy or when breastfeeding. Of course, there are many excellent homeopathic physicians available. Some health-food stores have lists of these physicians, some of whom may also be listed in your Yellow Pages under "Physicians." Some osteopathic physicians have also been trained in homeopathic medicine by their medical schools. However, many of these schools stopped teaching homeopathy in the 1950s. Physicians and osteopathic physicians trained in homeopathics are the health-care providers of choice, since they are knowledgeable in drug interactions and medical conditions, as well as in the homeopathic treatments appropriate to your condition.

Homeopathic remedies come in pellet, tablet, and liquid form. The liquid or mother tincture is an alcohol extract of a specific remedy. The liquid is generally placed under the tongue with an eyedropper that usually comes with it. Creams, ointments, or salves can be prepared by mixing the liquid with a cream or gel base. The creams and ointments are useful for sore muscles of the face and neck associated with temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) or long dental treatments. The tablets and pellets, which are made with a base of lactose (sweet milk sugar), are dissolved in the mouth, without chewing. These are excellent for children. Avoid touching them, as this may decrease their effectiveness. For infants, dissolve the pellet or tablet in water and give it to the child with an eyedropper. Since the liquid remedies contain alcohol, they should not be given to children.

(Excerpted from The Complete Book of Dental Remedies)
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 About The Author
Flora Stay DDSFlora Stay, DDS holds a doctor of dental surgery degree from University of California, San Francisco. She is the founder of ...more
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