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 Cancer: Hoxsey Therapy 
Richard Walters ©


1. Ken Ausubel, "The Troubling Case of Harry Hoxsey," New Age Journal, July-August 1988, p. 79.
2. Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, vol. 114, 1962, pp. 25-30; and see Walter H. Lewis and Memory P.F. Elvin-Lewis, Medical Botany: Plants Affecting Man's Health (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1977).
3. F.E. Mohs, "Chemosurgery: A Microscopically Controlled Method of Cancer Excision," Archives of Surgery, vol. 42, 1941, pp. 279295, cited in Patricia Spain Ward, "History of Hoxsey Treatment," contract report submitted to U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, May 1988, pp. 2-3.
4. Ward, op. cit., p. 8.
5. Kazuyoshi Morita, Tsuneo Kada, and Mitsuo Namiki, "A Desmutagenic Factor Isolated From Burdock (Arctium Lappa Linne)," Mutation Research, vol. 129, 1984, pp. 25-31, cited in Ward, op. cit., p. 7.
6. Harry Hoxsey, You Don't Have to Die (New York: Milestone Books, 1956), pp. 44-48.
7. Ibid., p. 59.


Bio-Medical Center P.O. Box 727 615 General Ferreira Colonia Juarez Tijuana, Mexico 22000 Phone: 011 52 66-84-9011 01152 66-84-9081 01152 66-849082 01152 66-849376

For further information on Hoxsey therapy and details on treatment.

Reading Material

You Don't Have to Die, by Harry Hoxsey, Milestone Books (New York), 1956. Out of print; check your local library.

The Cancer Survivors and How They Did It, by Judith Glassman (see Appendix A for description).

"Does Mildred Nelson Have an Herbal Cure for Cancer?- by Peter Barry Chowka, Whole Life Times, January-February 1984.

"The Troubling Case of Harry Hoxsey," by Ken Ausubel, New Age Journal, July-August 1988.

Other Material

Video: Hoxsey: When Healing Becomes a Crime (originally entitled Hoxsey: Quacks Who Cure Cancer?), 1987. Ninety-six minutes. An excellent, very moving documentary on the Hoxsey therapy, covering its history, the Bio-Medical Center, and the politics and economics of cancer. Produced and directed by Ken Ausubel and coproduced by Catherine Salveson, R.N., it premiered at the Margaret Mead Film Festival in New York and was shown on cable television. Available from Realidad Productions (P.O. Box 1644, Santa Fe, NM 87504; 505-989-8575).

From Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book by Richard Walters, © 1992. Published by Avery Publishing, New York. For personal use only; neither the digital nor printed copy may be copied or sold. Reproduced by permission.

(Excerpted from Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book ISBN: 0895295105)
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 Comments Add your comment 
I amAlive wrote
   2/14/2010 1:46:00 PM    (report abuse)
I very much appreciated the objective presentation made respecting the Hoxsey treatment on this site. I was a recipient of the Hoxsey treatment, and am cancer free now. I perxonally know several people who were informed that they had cancer, chose the Hoxsey treatment, and are now alive and healthy. ( I also know of 5 of about 20 people that died. Two within two weeks of starting treatment.) At least three of these have survived over 30 years. When I chose to take the Hoxsey cancer treatment, I knew of two survivors. One woman lived in our little town, and is related to me by marriage. She d had stomach cancer in the 70 s and was terminal, and had refused surgery and radiation. She was barely able to make the visit to the clinic initially. She is still alive today. I am convinced that the Hoxsey treatment was the major reason that I am alive today. I did not take ANY conventional treatment for cancer. I amAlive
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