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 Homeopathy: Hysterectomy: A Second Opinion 

If you do decide on a hysterectomy: Make your preferences very clear to your surgeon. Under what conditions would you be willing for him or her to remove your ovaries along with the uterus? Do you want your favorite inspirational or healing to be played during the surgery? Make arrangements for any special food you wish a friend or family member to bring you (hospital food is neither the tastiest or the healthiest, to put it mildly), garner all of the love and support you need, surround yourself with flowers, tapes, books- whatever makes you comfortable and happy. A combination of homeopathic remedies and specific nutritional sup-plements before and after surgery can speed your healing process tremendously. I have found it extremely helpful to do a pre-surgery hypnosis session to clear any fears and to implant very positive suggestions for healing. Invite any inner teachers, guides, or masters to be present at your surgery and to participate fully in your healing. Know that they will truly be there for you.

After your surgery, you may wish, again, to get several opinions about whether or not to take estrogen replacement therapy. Depending on your age, eating habits, lifestyle, and risk of osteoporosis, there may very well be natural alternatives for you instead of hormones. And if you do opt for hormones, there are a number of choices available, even though your gynecologist may not offer them to you unless you ask.

What will my life be like after a hysterectomy? Although it is obvious that I recommend hysterectomy only as a last resort, in all fairness, I want to say also that some women feel wonderful after a hysterectomy. I have patients and friends who have are very relieved to have the surgery over and to move on to the next stage of their lives. How a woman feels after having her uterus and/or ovaries removed depends a great deal on how she feels about herself and her life love and support from her sexual partner, friends and family, and her connection with spirit. Give yourself plenty of time for healing and be honest with your feelings.

I have a patient who was glowing and peaceful for weeks after a sudden hysterectomy, only to find herself on an emotional roller coaster when she really got in touch with a hysterectomy meant to her, her relationship, and her unfulfilled dreams of motherhood. I have another patient, who tried for several years unsuccessfully to reduce her large uterine fibroid with natural therapies. She came in for hypnosis, homeopathy, and supplements to prepare her for surgery, had a terrific recovery, and says she's never felt better. The aftermath of hysterec-

tomy is highly variable. You may be stronger than ever or you may be on shaky ground for weeks or months after. We each have our own individual process to experience and lessons to learn.

You are clearly a whole, complete woman with or without your uterus or ovaries. Your inner wisdom and connection with the Divine feminine nature within can never be taken away from you by anyone. Open your heart to whatever your experience may be. Embrace those who are your helpers in your healing process. Surround yourself and them with love and healing. Ask that you may be healed at the deepest level possible and that is exactly what will happen.

Dr. Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman is a naturopathic and homeopathic physician and cofounder of the Northwest Center for Homeopathic Medicine in Edmonds, WA. She is coauthor of The Patient's Guide to Homeopathic Medicine and Beyond Ritalin: Homeopathic Treatment of ADD and Other Behavioral and Learning Problems. She can be reached at (206) 774-5599.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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