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 Flower Remedies: Indications For the Use of Homeopathic Flower Remedies - (Alphabetically listed by Common Plant Name) 
Leslie Kaslof J. ©

Private people who appear aloof, remote, and unapproachable. As a result, they can be lonely, finding it difficult to make friends and develop close relationships.

For unwanted thoughts and mental arguments that continuously play in the mind like a broken record. This can distract one from concentrating on the task at hand, and can often lead to restlessness and an inability to fall asleep.

For those who are dissatisfied with their current career, and would like to do something else with their life, but cannot decide what direction to take or career to choose.

For those who have become indifferent and apathetic toward life, and who are resigned to their present situation, making little effort to change or improve it.

For those who have become resentful and bitter, who feel through no fault of their own they have been treated unjustly in some circumstance or situation. They may also feel that, despite all they've done, their best efforts have gone unnoticed and unrewarded, while others less deserving have gained.

Stress-Relieving Formula: a combination of 5 of the above flower remedies, and can be found manufactured under the various brand names: Calming EssenceTM, Rescue Remedy®, and Five Flower FormulaTM. It is used to ease stress in difficult situations and is available in both liquid and cream form.

The Stress-Relieving Formula can be used in liquid form to ease stress in tense situations, such as: taking exams, public speaking, job interviews, stressful home or work environments, in accidents, or in times of unexpected distress.

This formula in cream form can be applied to reduce the pain and swelling from minor: bumps, scrapes, bruises, burns, cuts, inflammations, sprains, muscle stiffness and soreness, chapped lips, and insect bites.

Pain or physical discomfort can often be accompanied by emotional stress. When this occurs, this formula in liquid form can be helpful used in conjunction with the topical application of the cream.

NOTE: This formula is not meant to take the place of emergency medical treatment. In serious conditions or situations requiring medical attention, a physician should be notified immediately.

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