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 Integrative Medicine: Modern Allergies? 

Holistic Approaches to Allergy
Avoidance of contact with whatever it is to which you are allergic deals with one side of the problem, and in many cases allows the body to regain its ability to tolerate the substance(s). The other side of the picture is your body, and if it can be made less toxic, more `hardy`, then it will be better able to cope with substances which might otherwise create allergic problems.

This calls for general health enhancement involving consideration of the whole person, including:

  • a balancing of the diet

  • taking note of the needs of your body in terms of adequate rest and exercise

  • application of detoxification methods (controlled fasting, elimination diets, hydrotherapy methods, herbal and homoeopathic treatment for example) as appropriate (detoxification is covered in depth in my book `Clear Body, Clear Mind` - distributed by Thorsons).

  • stress reduction approaches (relaxation and meditation, massage, aromatherapy and reflexology for example)

  • and immune enhancement (appropriate supplementation, use of specific herbal products, dealing with candidiasis if present, guided imagery, acupuncture etc).

Emphasis on only one side of the equation, avoiding the allergen, will produce inadequate results, it is necessary to deal with both the allergen and the person who is allergic.

Recent Studies Confirm Natural Approaches
In the last few years reports have emerged from some of London`s major teaching hospitals confirming herbal approaches to some forms of allergy. At the Hospital for Sick Children, Royal Free Hospital, University College and Middlesex School of Medicine and Kings College Hospital) tests have been conducted in which traditional Chinese herbal medication has been successfully used in treating atopic dermatitis (eczema) which had previously failed to respond usual to medical methods.

A report states that, 'In the patients known to us who have taken this treatment we have seen a response rate of 80-90%, and this exceeds the capability of conventional therapy in our hands. Furthermore many patients enjoy a persistent benefit after discontinuation of treatment.'

The doctors admit that they were concerned in case there would be any toxicity, and report, `We have investigated 70 children before and after long-term treatment and can report that full blood counts, urea and electrolytes, liver function tests and creatinine clearance remain normal throughout treatment.'

They have formulated a standardised mixture which they believe will be useful in the majority of cases of eczema.
(Atherton D et al Chinese herbs for eczema The Lancet November 17 1990 p1254)

Success for Homoeopathic and Herbal Treatment of Asthma
A combination of herbal and homoeopathic treatment was recently found to produce excellent results in 86.2% of the 29 asthmatic patients.

The treatment protocol was based on constitutional (i.e. unique to the patient) prescribing of homoeopathic medication, the most common ones employed being Pulsatilla nigricans, Arsenicum album and Kali carbonicum.

Herbal medication used included Bromelaine (pineapple plant extract containing powerful anti-inflammatory and digestive enzymes); Ephedra compound and a combination herbal elixir.

In all cases adults received bromelaine and Ephedra and children the elixir. (Malave R Mixed modality outcome study of adult and paediatric asthma. Journal of [American] Naturopathic Medicine Volume 2 No.1 pp43-44 1991)

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 About The Author
Leon Chaitow ND, DO, MROA practicing naturopath, osteopath, and acupuncturist in the United Kingdom, with over forty years clinical experience, Chaitow is Editor-in-Chief, of the ...more
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