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 Naturopathic Medicine : Nourish Your Heart  
Lauri Aesoph M. ND ©

During the past few years, researchers have been debating whether high iron stores in the body increase risk of heart disease. A Finnish study discovered that higher iron levels tended to increase blood pressure and heart attack risk (16). On the other hand, investigators from the CDC found no such relationship (17). Until information on this subject is clearer, avoid iron supplementation unless you have iron deficient anemia and other signs of low iron.

There are many nutritional supplements that can help prevent or even treat a variety of heart conditions. Besides the above, chromium, taurine, vitamin B6, L-carnitine, pantethine, calcium, copper and lecithin all play roles in cardiac treatment. However, maintaining a healthy heart is more than taking supplements. First and foremost you should make changes in your lifestyle. Then, if you feel a nutrient program is beneficial, consult your physician, nutritionist or other trained practitioner for guidance.

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  16. Salonen JT, Salonen R, Nyyssonen K, Korpela H. Iron sufficiency is associated with hypertension and excess risk of myocardial infarction: The Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study (KIDH). Circulation 1992;85(2):864.
  17. Sempos CT et al. Body iron stores and the risk of coronary heart disease. New England Journal of Medicine 1994;330(16):1119-24.
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